Novita Huviretki: Vanilja-knitted top
In the Vanilja knitted top (Finnish for vanilla), different cable- and textured patterns form a beautiful whole. Using Novita Huviretki yarn, the top is knitted in separate parts, which are sewn together at the end.
Lea Petäjä
Finished dimensions
Finished measurements:
Chest circumference: 88(96)104(112)124 cm/35(38)40(44)49”
Total length: 54(56)58(60)62 cm/21.3(22)22.8(23.6)24.4”
Underarm length: 8(8)9(9)10 cm/3.2(3.2)3.5(3.5)4”
Yarn demand
Novita Huviretki (004) Snow Slopes 400(450)500(550)600 g
Needles and other supplies
Needles: Novita knitting needles size 3-3,5 mm (US 2.5/UK 11 - US 4/UK 10 or 9) and 3,5-4 mm (US 4/UK 10 or 9 - US 6/UK 8) or size needed to fit gauge and for the neckline border Novita circular needles (40 cm/16") Novita 3-3.5 mm (US 2.5/UK 11 - US 4/UK 10 or 9).
Finished dimensions
Finished measurements:
Chest circumference: 88(96)104(112)124 cm/35(38)40(44)49”
Total length: 54(56)58(60)62 cm/21.3(22)22.8(23.6)24.4”
Underarm length: 8(8)9(9)10 cm/3.2(3.2)3.5(3.5)4”
Stitch patterns: 2/2 Ribbing worked flat: *k2, p2, rep from * to end of row; in the following rows, work sts as they appear. Stockinette stitch worked flat: knit the RS rows, purl the WS rows. Cable pattern: work acc to instructions and charts. 2/2 Ribbing in the round: *k2, p2, rep from * to end of rnd.
Gauge/Tension: 29 sts and 28 rows in cable pattern using the larger size ndls = 10 cm/4”,
25 sts in 3/3 ribbing (k3, p3), using the larger size ndls =10 cm/4”
CO 124(136)144(154)168 sts using the smaller size ndls and work ribbing on the WS, as follows: k2, p3 (k2, p3) p3 (p2) p3, *k3, p3 , rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times, k2, **p2, k2, rep from ** 24(24)24(27)27 more times, *p3, k3, rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times and p3, k2 (p3, k2) p3 (p2) p3. Work in est. rib stitch pattern for 3 cm/1.2”.
Change to the larger size ndls and continue working row 1 of cable pattern acc to chart: p2, k3 (p2, k3) k3 (k2) k3, *p3, k3, rep from *0(1)2(2)3 more times, work section A (=7 sts), section B 1(1)1(2)2 times [= 6(6)6(12)12 sts], section C (= 21 sts + 2 sts), section D 8 times (= 32 sts), section E (= 2 sts + 1 st), section F (= 21 sts + 2 sts), section G 1(1)1(2)2 times [= 6(6)6(12)12 sts], section H (= 7 sts), *k3, p3, rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times and k3, p2 (k3, p2) k3 (k2) k3. In this row, 5 sts are increased and there are now 129(141)149(159)173 sts (please note that the number of stitches in sections D-E varies depending on the row). Work in est. rib st pattern at the beg and end of each row and work cable pattern acc to rows 2-9 across the sts in the middle. When work measures 36(37)38(39)40 cm / 14.2(14.6)15 (15.4)15.8”, BO for armhole shaping, as follows: at the beg of each of the following rows, BO 5(5)6(8)10 sts twice, BO 3 sts twice, BO 2 sts 2(2)4(6)6 time(s) and BO 1 st 2(6)6(6)8 time(s) = 107(115)117(119)127 sts.
When armholes measure 16(17)18(19)20 cm / 6.3(6.7)7.1(7.5)7.9”, place the middle 39(39)39(41)41 sts on hold for neckline shaping and work each shoulder separately. In every 2nd row, BO 2 sts 2 more times, at the neckline edge.
When armhole measures 18(19)20(21)22 cm / 7.1(7.5)7.9(8.3)8.7”, BO the rem 30(34)35(35)39 shoulder-sts. Work the second shoulder in the same way, but reverse shaping.
Work in the same way as described for back, until armholes measure 8(9)10(11)12 cm / 3.2(3.5)4(4.3)4.7”. Place the middle 31(31)31(33)33 sts on hold for neckline shaping and work each shoulder separately. At the neckline edge, in every 2nd row, BO 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st once.
When armhole measures 18(19)20(21)22 cm / 7.1(7.5)7.9(8.3)8.7”, BO the rem 30(34)35(35)39 shoulder-sts. Work the second shoulder in the same way, but reverse shaping.
CO 76(80)86(90)98 sts using the smaller size ndls and work ribbing on the WS, as follows: p3 (k2, p3) p2 (k1, p3) p2, *k3, p3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times, k2, **p2, k2 , rep from **10 more times, *p3, k3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times and p3 (p3, k2) p2 (p3, k1) p2. Work in est. rib stitch pattern for 2 cm/0.8”.
Change to the larger size ndls and continue working row 1 of cable pattern acc to chart: k3 (p2, k3) k2 (p1, k3) k2, *p3, k3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times, work cable pattern (46 sts + 2 sts), *k3, p3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times and k3 (k3, p2) k2 (k3, p1) k2. In this rnd, 2 sts are increased and there are now 78(82)88(92)100 sts. Work in est. rib st pattern at the beg and end of each row and work cable pattern acc to rows 2-9 across the sts in the middle.
When work measures 3(3)4(4)3 cm / 1.2(1.2)1.6(1.6)1.2”, inc 1 st at the beg and end of the row, as follows: work the first st in pattern, M1 (knitwise or purlwise, depending on the ribbing), work in pattern to the last st, M1 (knitwise or purlwise), work the last st in pattern. Rep these inc’s every 1(1)1(1,5)2 cm / 0.4(0.4)0.4(0.6)0.8” 4(4)4(4)3 more times = 88(92)98(102)108 sts. Work the increased sts in rib stitch pattern.
When work measures 8(8)9(9)10 cm / 3.2(3.2)3.5(3.5)4”, BO for sleeve cap shaping at the beg of each row, as follows: 5(5)6(6)8 sts 2 times, 3 sts 2 times, 2 sts 2(2)4(4)6 times, then dec 1 st at the beg and end of every 2nd row 14(15)16(17)16 times, and at the beg of the next 4 rows, BO 2 sts twice and 3 sts twice. BO all rem sts.
Work the second sleeve in the same way.
Place the sweater inside out onto a flat surface acc to measurements, dampen and leave to dry. Close shoulder seams.
Neckline border: place the held sts of front and back neckline back onto the ndl and PUK extra sts along rest of neckline, to a total of 120(120)124(124)124 sts. Work 2/2 ribbing in the round for 2.5 cm/1” and BO all sts in pattern.
Close side- and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in armholes.
Weave in all ends.
acc = according
beg = begin(ning)
BO = bind off
circ. = circular
CN = cable needle
CO = cast on
est. = established
inc(‘s) = increase(s)
k = knit
k3tog = knit 3 sts together
M1 (knitwise/purlwise) = increase 1 st by working the bar between 2 sts as a twisted knit/purl stitch
ndl(s) = needle(s)
p = purl
PUK = pick up and knit
rem = remaining
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side
Translations charts and legend:
1 M re, in Rückreihe 1 M li = k1, purl on WS
1 M li, in Rückreihe 1 M re = p1, knit on WS
1 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 1 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M re = slip 1 st onto CN and hold in front of the work, k1, k1 from CN
1 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen,1 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M re = slip 1 st onto CN and hold in back of the work, k1, k1 from CN
2 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = slip 2 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k2, k2 from CN
2 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = slip 2 sts onto CN and hold in back of the work, k2, k2 from CN
3 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = slip 3 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k3, k3 from CN
3 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = slip 3 sts onto CN and hold in back of the work, k3, k3 from CN
1 M re zunehmen, dafür den Querfaden zwischen den M verschränkt rechts (=durch das hintere Maschenglied) stricken = M1 knitwise
1 M l i zunehmen, dafür den Querfaden zwischen den M verschränkt li (=hinteres Maschenglied) stricken = M1 purlwise
in der Rückreihe 1 M 3mal stricken (re, li, re) = on WS, work (k1, p1, k1) into the same stitch
in der Rückreihe 3 M re zusammen stricken = on WS, k3tog
Diagramm = Chart
Reihen 2-9 wiederholen = Rep rows 2-9
2 M = 2 sts (and for all numbers above 2 the translation of M = sts)
1 M = 1 st
Novita Huviretki: Vanilja-knitted top
Finished dimensions
Finished measurements:
Chest circumference: 88(96)104(112)124 cm/35(38)40(44)49”
Total length: 54(56)58(60)62 cm/21.3(22)22.8(23.6)24.4”
Underarm length: 8(8)9(9)10 cm/3.2(3.2)3.5(3.5)4”
Yarn demand
Novita Huviretki (004) Snow Slopes 400(450)500(550)600 g
Needles and other supplies
Needles: Novita knitting needles size 3-3,5 mm (US 2.5/UK 11 - US 4/UK 10 or 9) and 3,5-4 mm (US 4/UK 10 or 9 - US 6/UK 8) or size needed to fit gauge and for the neckline border Novita circular needles (40 cm/16") Novita 3-3.5 mm (US 2.5/UK 11 - US 4/UK 10 or 9).
Stitch patterns: 2/2 Ribbing worked flat: *k2, p2, rep from * to end of row; in the following rows, work sts as they appear. Stockinette stitch worked flat: knit the RS rows, purl the WS rows. Cable pattern: work acc to instructions and charts. 2/2 Ribbing in the round: *k2, p2, rep from * to end of rnd.
Gauge/Tension: 29 sts and 28 rows in cable pattern using the larger size ndls = 10 cm/4”,
25 sts in 3/3 ribbing (k3, p3), using the larger size ndls =10 cm/4”
CO 124(136)144(154)168 sts using the smaller size ndls and work ribbing on the WS, as follows: k2, p3 (k2, p3) p3 (p2) p3, *k3, p3 , rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times, k2, **p2, k2, rep from ** 24(24)24(27)27 more times, *p3, k3, rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times and p3, k2 (p3, k2) p3 (p2) p3. Work in est. rib stitch pattern for 3 cm/1.2”.
Change to the larger size ndls and continue working row 1 of cable pattern acc to chart: p2, k3 (p2, k3) k3 (k2) k3, *p3, k3, rep from *0(1)2(2)3 more times, work section A (=7 sts), section B 1(1)1(2)2 times [= 6(6)6(12)12 sts], section C (= 21 sts + 2 sts), section D 8 times (= 32 sts), section E (= 2 sts + 1 st), section F (= 21 sts + 2 sts), section G 1(1)1(2)2 times [= 6(6)6(12)12 sts], section H (= 7 sts), *k3, p3, rep from * 0(1)2(2)3 more times and k3, p2 (k3, p2) k3 (k2) k3. In this row, 5 sts are increased and there are now 129(141)149(159)173 sts (please note that the number of stitches in sections D-E varies depending on the row). Work in est. rib st pattern at the beg and end of each row and work cable pattern acc to rows 2-9 across the sts in the middle. When work measures 36(37)38(39)40 cm / 14.2(14.6)15 (15.4)15.8”, BO for armhole shaping, as follows: at the beg of each of the following rows, BO 5(5)6(8)10 sts twice, BO 3 sts twice, BO 2 sts 2(2)4(6)6 time(s) and BO 1 st 2(6)6(6)8 time(s) = 107(115)117(119)127 sts.
When armholes measure 16(17)18(19)20 cm / 6.3(6.7)7.1(7.5)7.9”, place the middle 39(39)39(41)41 sts on hold for neckline shaping and work each shoulder separately. In every 2nd row, BO 2 sts 2 more times, at the neckline edge.
When armhole measures 18(19)20(21)22 cm / 7.1(7.5)7.9(8.3)8.7”, BO the rem 30(34)35(35)39 shoulder-sts. Work the second shoulder in the same way, but reverse shaping.
Work in the same way as described for back, until armholes measure 8(9)10(11)12 cm / 3.2(3.5)4(4.3)4.7”. Place the middle 31(31)31(33)33 sts on hold for neckline shaping and work each shoulder separately. At the neckline edge, in every 2nd row, BO 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st once.
When armhole measures 18(19)20(21)22 cm / 7.1(7.5)7.9(8.3)8.7”, BO the rem 30(34)35(35)39 shoulder-sts. Work the second shoulder in the same way, but reverse shaping.
CO 76(80)86(90)98 sts using the smaller size ndls and work ribbing on the WS, as follows: p3 (k2, p3) p2 (k1, p3) p2, *k3, p3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times, k2, **p2, k2 , rep from **10 more times, *p3, k3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times and p3 (p3, k2) p2 (p3, k1) p2. Work in est. rib stitch pattern for 2 cm/0.8”.
Change to the larger size ndls and continue working row 1 of cable pattern acc to chart: k3 (p2, k3) k2 (p1, k3) k2, *p3, k3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times, work cable pattern (46 sts + 2 sts), *k3, p3 , rep from * 1(1)2(2)3 more times and k3 (k3, p2) k2 (k3, p1) k2. In this rnd, 2 sts are increased and there are now 78(82)88(92)100 sts. Work in est. rib st pattern at the beg and end of each row and work cable pattern acc to rows 2-9 across the sts in the middle.
When work measures 3(3)4(4)3 cm / 1.2(1.2)1.6(1.6)1.2”, inc 1 st at the beg and end of the row, as follows: work the first st in pattern, M1 (knitwise or purlwise, depending on the ribbing), work in pattern to the last st, M1 (knitwise or purlwise), work the last st in pattern. Rep these inc’s every 1(1)1(1,5)2 cm / 0.4(0.4)0.4(0.6)0.8” 4(4)4(4)3 more times = 88(92)98(102)108 sts. Work the increased sts in rib stitch pattern.
When work measures 8(8)9(9)10 cm / 3.2(3.2)3.5(3.5)4”, BO for sleeve cap shaping at the beg of each row, as follows: 5(5)6(6)8 sts 2 times, 3 sts 2 times, 2 sts 2(2)4(4)6 times, then dec 1 st at the beg and end of every 2nd row 14(15)16(17)16 times, and at the beg of the next 4 rows, BO 2 sts twice and 3 sts twice. BO all rem sts.
Work the second sleeve in the same way.
Place the sweater inside out onto a flat surface acc to measurements, dampen and leave to dry. Close shoulder seams.
Neckline border: place the held sts of front and back neckline back onto the ndl and PUK extra sts along rest of neckline, to a total of 120(120)124(124)124 sts. Work 2/2 ribbing in the round for 2.5 cm/1” and BO all sts in pattern.
Close side- and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in armholes.
Weave in all ends.
acc = according
beg = begin(ning)
BO = bind off
circ. = circular
CN = cable needle
CO = cast on
est. = established
inc(‘s) = increase(s)
k = knit
k3tog = knit 3 sts together
M1 (knitwise/purlwise) = increase 1 st by working the bar between 2 sts as a twisted knit/purl stitch
ndl(s) = needle(s)
p = purl
PUK = pick up and knit
rem = remaining
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side
Translations charts and legend:
1 M re, in Rückreihe 1 M li = k1, purl on WS
1 M li, in Rückreihe 1 M re = p1, knit on WS
1 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 1 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M re = slip 1 st onto CN and hold in front of the work, k1, k1 from CN
1 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen,1 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M re = slip 1 st onto CN and hold in back of the work, k1, k1 from CN
2 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = slip 2 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k2, k2 from CN
2 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = slip 2 sts onto CN and hold in back of the work, k2, k2 from CN
3 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = slip 3 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k3, k3 from CN
3 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = slip 3 sts onto CN and hold in back of the work, k3, k3 from CN
1 M re zunehmen, dafür den Querfaden zwischen den M verschränkt rechts (=durch das hintere Maschenglied) stricken = M1 knitwise
1 M l i zunehmen, dafür den Querfaden zwischen den M verschränkt li (=hinteres Maschenglied) stricken = M1 purlwise
in der Rückreihe 1 M 3mal stricken (re, li, re) = on WS, work (k1, p1, k1) into the same stitch
in der Rückreihe 3 M re zusammen stricken = on WS, k3tog
Diagramm = Chart
Reihen 2-9 wiederholen = Rep rows 2-9
2 M = 2 sts (and for all numbers above 2 the translation of M = sts)
1 M = 1 st