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Women's lace socks Novita Venla Example 1Women's lace socks Novita Venla Example 2

Women's lace socks Novita Venla

Knitted from Novita Venla yarn and adorned by a pair of ribbons, these beautiful lace socks are replete with the spirit of spring.


Sisko Sälpäkivi

Stitch patterns:
- Stockinette stitch in the round:
knit all rows.
- Lace pattern in the round:
follow the chart and the written instructions.

28 sts of stockinette stitch = 10 cm

Right sock

Using the larger needle, cast on 90 sts and distribute them onto the smaller needles: 22, 23, 22 and 23 sts. Purl 1 round and knit 2 rounds. Begin the lace pattern from row 1 of chart I. Work the 9 st pattern repeat 10 times.

Work rows 1-14. On row 14 evenly decrease 6 sts = 84 sts.

Then work rows 15-24 a total of 3 times (pattern repeated 6 times each row). Note that the number of sts on the lace pattern varies from row to row.

Knit 3 rounds (rows 25-27 of the chart).

Work a round with holes following row 28 of the chart: *k2tog, yo*, repeat *-* to end. Knit 3 rounds (rows 29-31 of the chart). On the second round evenly decrease 7 sts = 77 sts.

Then work rows 32-36. 7 st pattern repeated 11 times each row. Knit 3 rounds (rows 37-39 of the chart). Work row 40 (with holes), knit the last st. Knit 4 rounds (rows 41-44 of the chart). On the third round evenly decrease 5 sts = 72 sts.

Work rows 45-51. 12 st pattern repeated 6 times each row. Knit 4 rounds (rows 52-55 of the chart).

Work row 56 of the chart (with holes). Knit 3 rounds (rows 57-59) and on the second round evenly decrease 6 sts = 66 sts.

Work rows 60-79 of the chart. 11 st pattern repeated 6 times each row. Knit 3 rounds (rows 80-82 of the chart). On the second round evenly decrease 6 sts = 60 sts.

Work rows 83-86 of the chart.

Work rows 87-93 of the chart. 6 st pattern repeated 10 times each row. Then work rows 94-100 of the chart.

Work rows 101-105 of the chart. 6 st pattern repeated 10 times each row. Work rows 94-100 of the chart.

Begin the heel flap: knit the sts on needle I onto needle IV = 30 sts. Leave the other sts on hold. Turn work and begin the reinforced st pattern:

Row 1: (WS) slip 1 (yarn in back), purl to end of row. Turn work.

Row 2: (RS) *sl 1 (yarn in back), k1*, repeat *-* to end. Turn work.

Repeat rows 1-2 for 14 more times (=30 rows). Work another WS row.

Turn the heel: Begin working the reinforced st pattern as before: On the heel flap, work the RS row until 11 sts remain. Work the skp decrease (= slip 1, knit 1 and pass the slipped st over) and turn work. Sl 1, p8, p2tog. Turn work. Sl 1, keep working until 10 sts remain, skp. Continue in the same manner, decreasing sts on the sides while the middle group remains at 10 sts. When only the centre sts remain, distribute the heel sts by knitting them onto 2 needles, 5 sts each.

Using a free needle pick up 15 sts from the left edge of the heel flap + 1 st from between the heel flap and needle II. Knit the picked-up sts through the back loop. Knit all sts on needles II and III. At the end of needle III: k2tog. 29 sts in total on needles II and III. Using the needle with 5 sts, pick up 15 sts from the right edge of the heel flap + 1 st from between needle III and the heel flap. Knit the picked-up sts through the back loop, and knit the 5 heel flap sts. 71 sts on the needles. Distribute the sts onto four needles: 21 sts on needle I, 15 sts on needle II, 14 sts on needle III and 21 sts on needle IV.

Begin working the gusset decreases and the lace pattern from row 1 of chart II. Needle I: k19, k2tog. Needles II and III: work the lace pattern from the chart (=29 + 4 sts). Needle IV: skp, k19. Work needles I and IV in stockinette st, repeat the gusset decreases as before 5 more times, and on the lace pattern work rows 2-10 and then keep repeating rows 1-10 (note that the number of sts on the lace section varies from row to row).

When the sole measures approx. 20 cm and you have last worked row 4 of the chart, begin the toe decreases from row 11 of the chart: at the end of needle I k2tog, k1, work needles II and III following the chart, at the beginning of needle IV k1, skp. Repeat the decreases on needles I and IV every 2nd round as before. On needles II and III work rows 12-26 of the chart. Note: When you have worked the decreases 6 times in total, start decreasing on every round.

When 11 sts remain, break the yarn, pass it through the remaining stitches and pull tightly to close the hole. Securely weave in the yarn end.

Knit the other sock to match.


Steam the socks lightly.

Pass the lace ribbons through the holes on the cuffs. Tie the ribbons into bow knots on the sides.

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