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  3. Novita Nalle: Meri shawl
Novita Nalle: Meri shawl Example 1Novita Nalle: Meri shawl Example 2

Novita Nalle: Meri shawl

This beautiful triangle shawl combines lace and garter stitch and is knitted from Novita Nalle.


Sari Nordlund

Stitch patterns Garter stitch: knit all rows. Lace pattern: follow the chart and instructions.Gauge 19 sts and 32 rows in garter st = 10 cm

Cast on 3 sts and knit the WS row.Row 1: (RS) kfb (= knit front and back), kfb, k1 = 5 sts.Row 2: (WS) knit all sts.Row 3: kfb, k2, kfb, k1 = 7 sts.Row 4: k3, place marker, k1, place marker, k3.Row 5: work 3 sts in garter st, slip marker, increase 1 (= knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), p1, slip marker, work 3 sts in garter st = 8 sts.Row 6: work garter st to marker, slip marker, k2, slip marker, work garter st to end of row.Row 7: work garter st to marker, slip marker, work row 1 of chart I (= 2 sts + 1 st), slip marker, work garter st to end = 9 sts. Keep working 3 sts at both ends in garter st. Between the markers work rows 2-48 of chart I. 32 sts now on the needles.Keep working 3 sts at both ends in garter st. Work 2 sts at the right end of the lace section following row 1 of chart I (= 2 sts + 1 st) and the other 24 lace sts following row 1 of chart II (repeat the 12 st pattern 2 times). Work rows 2-48 of chart I. Work rows 2-24 of chart II and rows 1-24 once more. 2 vertical repeats of chart II for each repeat of chart I. 56 sts on the needles.Keep working 3 sts at both ends in garter st. Work 2 sts at the right end of the lace section following row 1 of chart I (= 2 sts + 1 st) and the other 48 sts following row 1 of chart II (repeat the 12 st pattern 4 times). 57 sts on the needles. Work the WS row following row 2 of each chart. Now work 3 sts at both ends in garter st, place marker, increase 1 (= knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), at the beginning of the lace section p1, k1, p1 and then work the lace section following row 3 of chart II. 58 sts on the needles.On the next row (WS) work 3 sts at both ends in garter st, work the lace section following row 4 of chart II, k1, p1, k1, slip marker, work 1 st in garter st.At both ends keep working 3 sts in garter st, increase 1, work garter st to marker, at the beginning of the lace section work 3 sts in ribbing, then work rows 4-24 of chart II and keep repeating rows 1-24. Repeat the 1 st increase on each RS row next to the 3 garter sts.When the piece measures 150 cm, work garter st for 6 rows with all sts, then loosely bind off. FinishingPin to measurements wrong side up, mist and allow to dry.

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