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Novita Muumihahmot, Muumitalo and Nalle: Maalari-knee socks Example 1

Novita Muumihahmot, Muumitalo and Nalle: Maalari-knee socks

Every painter needs wool socks, both long and short. Knee-high socks can be worn when the summer morning is still cool. The heel is knitted in a reinforced pattern and the toe is a band toe. Socks with an interesting play of colors are created from the yarns of Novita Nalle, Muumihahmot & Muumitalo.


Sisko Sälpäkivi

Stitch patterns: Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1, rep from *. Stockinette stitch in the round: knit all sts.

Gauge/Tension: 24 sts in st st = 10 cm/4” square.

CO 72(76) sts, using dpns size 3 mm (US 2.5/UK 11) and color Valley and distribute the sts evenly over the dpns, 18(19) sts per needle. Beg of rnd is between needles I and IV. Work 5(6) cm/2(2.4)” ribbing in the round. Knit 1 rnd and cut yarn.

Work st st in the round, alternately knit 2 rnds using the Moomin yarn and 2 rnds using color Snorkmaiden of the Muumitalo yarn. Alternate the single-colored yarns Snufkin and Snorkmaiden every 6 cm/2.4”. The other pattern color will always be the Mumin Striped yarn.

When the length of the leg measures 15 cm/5.9”, start working dec’s mid back, between needles I and IV, as follows: at the beg of the rnd k1, k2tog , then knit to the last 3 sts of the rnd, skp and k1. Rep these dec‘s in every 6th rnd 4 more times and then every 4th rnd 3 times = 56(60) sts. Redistribute the sts evenly over the dpns, 14(15) sts per needle.

Continue working as set, until the leg measures approx. 36(38) cm/14.2”(15)” and ending with a completely finished stripe, cut yarn.

Work the heel flap, as follows: move all sts of needle I onto needle IV = 28(30) sts. Continue working using color Valley. Place the rem sts on hold. Turn work and work back and forth in reinforced heel stitch pattern:

Row 1: (WS) sl 1 wyif, purl rem sts. Turn work.

Row 2: (RS) *sl 1 wyib, k1, rep from * to end of row. Turn work.

Rep rows 1-2 a total of 14(15) times = 28(30) rows.

Work 1 more WS row, then start working the heel turn and at the same time, continue working the reinforced heel pattern. Work the next RS row to the last 10(11) sts, skp, turn work,sl 1 st, p8, p2tog, turn work. sl 1 st, work in pattern to the last 9(10) sts, skp. Continue working as set, decreasing at both sides, until only the 10 center sts rem. Distribute these 10 sts over 2 ndls, 5 sts per ndl. Knit the 5 sts on the RH ndl. The beg of rnd is now in the middle of the heel, at the sole of the sock. Continue working in stripe pattern, i.e. take the color that would be next, so that the stripe sequence continues.

Using an extra dpn, pick up 14(15) sts + 1 st between the heel flap and the next needle, along the left side of the heel flap. Knit the picked up sts tbl. Knit the sts on needles II and III. Pick up 14(15) sts + 1 st between needle III and the heel flap, along the right side of the heel flap and knit these st tbl onto needle IV.

Continue working stripes in st st across these 68(72) sts, as described for the leg (alternating the single-colored yarns every 6 cm/2.4”) and at the same time, work gusset dec’s, as follows: at the end of needle I, knit tog the last 2 sts and at the beg of needle IV, skp. Rep these dec’s every 2nd rnd, until a total of 56(60) sts rem. Redistribute the sts evenly over the dpns, 14(15) sts per needle.

Note: When the foot measures approx. 20(22) cm/7.9(8.7)”, continue working in st st, using only color Valley.

Knit 1 rnd and start decreasing for the shaping of the band toe, as follows: at the end of needles I and III, k2tog, k1 and at the beg of needles II and IV k1 and skp. Rep these dec’s every 2nd rnd 5 more times. Then work the dec’s in every rnd, until a total of 8 sts rem. Cut yarn, thread yarn tail through rem sts and secure tightly at the inside.

Work the second sock in the same way.


Lightly steam the socks.


acc = according

beg = begin(ning)

circ. = circular

CO = cast on

dpn(s) = double pointed needle(s)

dec(‘s) = decrease(s)

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 sts together

LH = left hand

ndl(s) = needle(s)

p = purl

p2tog = purl 2 sts together

rem = remaining

rep = repeat

RH = right hand

rnd(s) = round(s)

sl = slip

sl 1 = slip 1 stitch purlwise

skp = slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over

RS = right side

st(s) = stitch(es)

st st = stockinette st

tbl = through back loop

wyib = with yarn in back

wyif = with yarn in front

WS = wrong side

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