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Novita 7 Veljestä: Artisokka-Wool socks Example 1

Novita 7 Veljestä: Artisokka-Wool socks

A cable pattern like artichoke hearts! Artisokka wool socks (Finnish for Artichoke) bring a little Mediterranean feeling and the cable pattern is nice and exciting. These socks were knitted with Novita 7 Veljestä yarn, in the color Veil, from the color collection developed together with designer Niina Laitinen.


Niina Laitinen

Stitch patterns: 2/2 ribbing in the round: *k2, p2, rep from *. Stockinette stitch in the round: knit all sts.

Gauge/Tension: 20 sts and 26 rows = 10 x 10 cm / 4” square

Tip: Making the socks bigger is easy. You can easily increase the calf circumference by knitting more sts at the back (according to the instructions, the calf circumference is approx. 35-40 cm / 13.8-15.8”). The foot can be made longer by starting the lace pattern later than recommended in the pattern.


CO 67 sts and divide sts over dpns, as follows: dpn I 22 sts, dpn II 12 sts, dpn III 11 sts and dpn IV 22 sts. Beg of rnd lies between dpn I and IV, mid back.

Continue working cable pattern acc to chart I, rnd 1 and work in pattern over the 67 sts. Work rows 2-93 and work the calf decreases where marked in the chart. After finishing all dec’s, 49 sts rem. Redistribute all sts over 4 dpns, as follows: dpn I 13 sts, dpn II 12 sts, dpn III 11 sts and dpn IV 13 sts.


Start working the heel-flap, work all sts of dpn I onto dpn IV (= 26 sts). Place the rem sts on hold. Turn work, sl1, p the rem sts and at the same time, dec 2 sts evenly spaced. There are now 24 sts for the heel-flap. Work the reinforced heel pattern, as follows:

Row 1: (RS) turn work, *sl1 wyib, k1, rep from * to end of row.

Row 2: (WS) turn work, sl1 wyif, p the rem sts.

Work rows 1-2 a total of 12 times, the length of the heel flap is now 24 rows, and end with a WS row.

Start decreasing for heel shaping, and continue working the reinforced heel pattern, as follows: In the next RS row, knit to the last 9 sts, ssk (sl 1 st knitwise, sl 1 st knitwise, move sts back onto LH ndl and knit together tbl), turn work, sl1, p6, p2tog, turn work. sl1, k to the last 8 sts, ssk. Continue working as set, decreasing sts on each side, until only the 8 center sts rem. Distribute these 8 sts over 2 dpns, 4 sts per dpn. Knit the 4 sts of the RH ndl. Beg of rnd now lies in the middle of the heel, at the sole of the sock.


Pick up 14 sts, along left side of heel, knit 4 heel-sts and knit the picked-up sts tbl. Work row 7 of chart II over the 23 sts on dpn II and III. Along right side of heel, pick up 14 sts, using the dpn, that holds 4 heel-sts, knit the picked-up sts tbl and knit the 4 heel-sts. There are now 59 sts on the ndls.

Work gusset-decreases, as follows: on dpn I, k to the last 2 sts, k2tog, work row 8 of chart II on dpns II and III, then ssk at the beg of dpn IV, k to end of rnd. Continue working the sts of dpns I and IV in st st, work the sts of dpns II and III acc to chart II, rows 9-12, then rep rows 1-12, and at the same time, rep the dec’s on dpns I and IV as described, every 2nd rnd, until only 47 sts rem: dpn I 12 sts, dpn II 12 sts, dpn III 11 sts and dpn IV 12 sts.

When a total of 45 rnds have been worked, after the heel-turn, and ending with row 3 of chart II, start decreasing for the toe (wide band-toe), as follows:

dpn I: k to the last 3 sts, k2tog and k1.

dpns II and III: work acc to chart III, row 1 (23-2 sts = 21 sts).

dpn IV: k1, ssk k to end of rnd.

Rep these dec’s on dpns I and IV, as described above, 2 more times in every 2nd rnd, then in every rnd 7 times and on dpns II and III work rows 2-12 of chart III. When all dec’s are finished, only 9 sts rem.

Cut yarn and thread yarn end through the rem sts, pull tight and secure at the inside.

Work the second sock in the same way.


Weave in all ends and lightly steam the socks.


acc = according

beg = begin(ning)

cdd = centered double decrease: slip 2 sts together knitwise, k1, pass slipped sts over

CN = cable needle

CO = cast on

dpn(s) = double pointed needle(s)

dec(‘s) = decrease(s)

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 sts together

LH = left hand

ndl(s) = needle(s)

p = purl

p2tog = purl 2 sts together

patt = pattern

rem = remaining

rep = repeat

RH = right hand

rnd(s) = round(s)

sl = slip

sl1 = slip 1 stitch purlwise

ssk = slip 1 st knitwise, slip 1 st knitwise, move sts back onto left ndl, knit together through back loops

RS = right side

st(s) = stitch(es)

st st = stockinette st

tbl = through back loop

wyib = with yarn in back

wyif = with yarn in front

WS = wrong side

yo(‘s) = yarn over(s)

Translations of charts and legend:

1 M re = k1

1 M li = p1

3 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = C3/3L: sl 3 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k3, k3 from CN

3 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 3 M re und von Hilfsnadel 3 M re = C3/3R: sl 3 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k3, k3 from CN

2 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 1 M re und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = = C2/1L: sl 2 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, k1, k2 from CN

1 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M re = C2/1R: sl 1 st onto CN and hold in back of the work, k2, k1 from CN

2 M auf Hilfsnadel vor die Arbeit legen, 1 M li und von Hilfsnadel 2 M re = T2/1L: sl 2 sts onto CN and hold in front of the work, p1, k2 from CN

1 M auf Hilfsnadel hinter die Arbeit legen, 2 M re und von Hilfsnadel 1 M li = = T2/1R: sl 1 st onto CN and hold in back of the work, k2, p1 from CN

ssk (slip slip knit): 1 M ungestrickt re abheben. 2. M ungestrickt abheben. Beide M zurück auf die linke Nadel schieben und verschränkt durch das hintere Maschenglied zusammenstricken = ssk: slip 1 st knitwise, slip 1 st knitwise, move sts back onto left ndl, knit together through back loops

2 M re zusammenstricken = k2tog

1 Umschlag auf die Nadel machen = yo

2 M wie zum rechts Zusammenstricken ungestrickt abheben, 1 M re und die abgehobenen M über die gestrickte M heben = cdd: centered double decrease: slip 2 sts together knitwise, k1, pass slipped sts over

M verschränkt, also durch hinteres Maschenglied, stricken = k1 tbl: a twisted knit st (knit 1 st through back loop)

Diagramm = Chart

Nadel = needle

M = sts

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