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  3. Springtime Hug socks Novita 7 Veljestä Raita and 7 Veljestä
Springtime Hug socks Novita 7 Veljestä Raita and 7 Veljestä Example 1

Springtime Hug socks Novita 7 Veljestä Raita and 7 Veljestä

Spring is just around the corner! Try out our new spring/summer colours with these lovely socks from single-colour and striped yarns together. Keväthali literally translates into Spring Hug, in case you wondered.


Lea Petäjä

Stitch patterns
- Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1*

Using contrast colour cast on 40(44)48(52)56 sts and divide them onto four double-pointed needles, 10(11)12(13)14 sts each. The beginning of round is between needles I and IV. Work ribbing in the round.

When the leg measures 5(5)6(6)7 cm, break yarn and switch to main colour. Work ribbing for another 5(6)6(7)7 cm. The leg now measures 10(11)12(13)14 cm. Break yarn and switch to contrast colour.

Begin the heel flap: work the sts on needle I as they appear onto needle IV [= 20(22)24(26)28 sts]. Leave the other sts on hold. Turn work and begin reinforced stitch pattern:

Row 1: (WS) slip 1 with yarn in back, purl to end. Turn work.

Row 2: (RS) *slip 1 with yarn in back, k1*, repeat *-* to end. Turn work.

Repeat rows 1-2 a total of 10(11)12(13)14 times [= 20(22)24(26)28 rows].

Work the WS row once more and begin turning the heel: continue the reinforced pattern as established. Work the RS row until 7(8)9(9)10 sts remain. Skp (= slip 1 knitwise, k1, pass slipped st over), turn work. Slip 1, p6(6)6(8)8, p2tog, turn work. Slip 1, work to last 6(7)8(8)9 sts, skp. Continue in this manner, decreasing at the ends with 8(8)8(10)10 sts in the middle. When only the middle sts remain, divide the sts onto two needles, 4(4)4(5)5 sts each. Break yarn.

Continue with main colour and knit the 4(4)4(5)5 left-hand heel flap sts. Using a free needle pick up 10(11)12(13)14 sts from the left end of the heel flap + 1 st from between the flap and needle II. Using the left-hand sole needle knit the picked-up sts through the back loop. Knit the sts on needles II and III. Using the needle with 4(4)4(5)5 sts pick up 10(11)12(13)14 sts from the right end + 1 st from between needle III and the heel flap. Knit the picked-up sts through the back loop and knit the 4(4)4(5)5 flap sts.

With these 50(54)58(64)68 sts work stockinette st and begin gusset decreases: at the end of needle I, k2tog; at the beginning of needle IV, skp. Repeat the decreases every other round 4(4)4(5)5 more times. 40(44)48(52)56 sts on the needles, 10(11)12(13)14 sts each.

Work stockinette st until the sole measures 13,5(15,5)18(20)23 cm or 1,5(1,5)2(2)2 cm from length covering fifth toe. Break yarn and use contrast colour for the rest of the piece.

After 1,5(1,5)2(2)2 cm with contrast colour, begin toe decreases: at the end of needles I and III, k2tog, k1; at the beginning of needles II and IV, k1, skp. Decrease as established on every other round until 5(6)6(7)7 sts remain on each needle. Then work the decreases on every round.

When 8 sts remain, break yarn, pull it through the sts and securely weave in.

Knit the other sock in the same manner.


Securely weave in all ends. Steam the socks lightly.

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