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  3. Socktober: Harlequin-sockor Novita Nalle
Socktober: Harlequin-sockor Novita Nalle Example 1

Socktober: Harlequin-sockor Novita Nalle

Harlequin-strumporna är designade av den tyska stickdesignern Kerstin Balke och har fått sitt namn och sin inspiration från den traditionella harlekinfiguren inom italiensk teater. De färgglada diagonalerna, som är välkända från harlekindräkter, pryder strumpornas tå och skaft med Novita Nalle -garn. De vackert broderade strumporna har en timglasformad häl stickad i förkortade varv. Se även Kerstin Balkes andra Socktober-strumpdesigner By the Sea och Late Summer.


Kerstin Balke

Gauge swatch Ribbing in the round: *k2, p2*, repeat *–*. Flat stocking stitch: knit right side (RS) and purl wrong side (WS). Colourwork: work all rows in stocking stitch as shown in chart and pattern instructions.

Tension 30 sts and 36 rows of colourwork = 10 cm

TechniqueDouble stitch/German short rows: After you’ve turned your work slip 1 stitch purlwise with yarn in front (SL1PW wyif), lift your yarn up and over the needle, pulling on it until it creates a double stitch (DS). When you next reach the DS, work it as a single stitch, ie. under both legs.



Cast on 48(52) sts using Sahara and divide onto four needles, 12(13) sts each. Needle 1 marks the start of a new round. Join to work in the round and knit 3 cm of rib stitch. Knit 1 more round using Sahara.


Start the colourwork pattern at Row 1 of chart and repeat the 4 st pattern 12(13) times. Work chart rows 2–18. Now work Rows 1–18 and 1–4. The leg should now measure approx. 14 cm. Break yarn.



Work a short-row heel using Papaya.

Row 1 (RS): Work the sts on Needle 1 and Needle 4 onto a single needle = 24(26) sts. Using stitch markers, divide sts into three sections as follows: 8, 8 and 8 sts (8, 10 and 8 sts). Leave the sts on Needle 2 and Needle 3 for the time being. Work the 24(26) sts on Needle 1 and Needle 4 in flat stocking stitch and shape the heel with German short rows.

Round 2 (WS): Turn work, make DS and purl the sts on Needle 1 and Needle 4.


Row 3 (RS): Turn work, make DS and knit to previous DS.

Row 4 (WS): Turn work, make DS and purl to previous DS.

Repeat Rows 3–4 until you have 8 DS at both ends and 8(10) regular sts in the middle and you have reached the first stitch marker. Work 2 rounds in stocking stitch in the round. On the first round, work all DS as a single stitch. You have now reached the first stitch marker.


Continue to work German short rows here.

Round 1 (RS): work the 8(10) middle sts and k1 after stitch marker, turn work.

Round 2 (WS): Make DS, purl middle sts and p1 after stitch marker. Turn work.


Row 3 (RS): Make DS, knit all sts to next DS, work DS as single st, k1 and turn work.

Row 4 (WS): Make DS, purl all sts to next DS, work DS as single st, p1 and turn work.

Repeat Rows 3–4 until you have 1 DS at each end. Divide heel sts back onto two needles by knitting 11(12) sts onto Needle 4 in addition to DS.



Resume colourwork pattern from Row 7 of Chart 1 and work the remaining DS as a single st. Work chart rows 8–18. For size 30, work chart rows 1–6. The foot should now measure approx. 13(15) cm. Finish the rest of the sock in Sahara (Papaya).


Now start the toe decreases: k2tog at the end of Needle 1 and Needle 3 + k1 and at the start of Needle 2 and Needle 4 k1 and ssk tbl (slip two stitches individually knitwise to right needle, return sts to the left needle and knit together through the back loop). Work the decreases as above on every second round until 20(20) sts remain. Now repeat the decreases on every round until 8 sts remain. Break yarn and draw through the stitches to fasten off. Weave in end.

Repeat to make second sock.



Steam gently to finish.

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