Knitted socks for babies Novita Wool Cotton
Knitted socks for babies Novita Wool Cotton.
Susanna Mertsalmi
60(70)80 cm
Finished dimensions
Yarn demand
Novita Wool Cotton puuteri vajaa 50 g ja tehosteväriksi granaattiomenaa
Needles and other supplies
Sukkapuikot: Novita nro 3 tai käsialan mukaan
Finished dimensions
- Sileä oikea neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla oikein ja nurjalla nurin.
- Sileä nurja neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla nurin ja nurjalla oikein.
- Kohoneuleet:
neulo vuorotellen 2 krs sileää nurjaa ja 2 krs sileää oikeaa.
- Palmikkoneuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Pitsineuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Helmineuleet:
1. krs:
neulo *1 o, 1 n*
Using the main colour, cast on 36(39)42 sts and distribute them onto four needles: 9, 9, 9, and 9 sts (9, 10, 10, and 10 sts) 10, 11, 11, and 10 sts. The beginning of the round is between needles I and IV. Work ribbing in the round for 6(7)8 cm. Knit 1 round and break the yarn.
Move the sts on needles I and IV onto one needle for the heel flap. Leave the other sts on hold. Using the contrast colour, knit the heel flap sts and at the same time evenly decrease 2(1)0 sts on the first row = 16(18)20 sts. Work stockinette st flat for 12(14)16 rows in total.
Turning the heel: on the next RS row k10(11)13, skp (= slip 1 st knitwise, knit 1, pass the slipped st over). Turn work. *Slip 1, p4(4)6, p2tog. Turn work. Slip 1, k4(4)6, skp, turn work.* Keep repeating *-* until only the centre sts remain and you have last worked a WS row. 6(6)8 sts on the needles. Break the yarn. Distribute the sts onto two needles. The beginning of the round is between the needles.
Now using the main colour, work the 3(3)4 sts on needle I. Pick up and knit 7(8)9 sts from the left edge of the heel flap (with the needle on the left side of the heel flap). Knit the sts on needles II and III. Now pick up and knit 7(8)9 sts from the right edge of the heel flap and work the 3(3)4 heel flap sts.
Continue with these 38(42)48 sts. Work stockinette st in the round and begin the gusset decreases: at the end of needle I, k2tog, and at the beginning of needle IV, skp. Repeat these decreases every round until 32(36)40 sts remain in total. Move the sts so there are 8(9)10 sts on each needle and continue working stockinette st without decreases.
When the foot (including the heel) measures 7(8)9,5 cm, begin the toe decreases. At the end of needles I and III: k2tog. At the beginning of needles II and IV: skp. Repeat the decreases every round until 8 sts remain. Break the yarn, pass it through the remaining sts and securely weave in the yarn ends. Knit the other sock to match.
Steam the socks lightly.
Knitted socks for babies Novita Wool Cotton
60(70)80 cm
Finished dimensions
Yarn demand
Novita Wool Cotton puuteri vajaa 50 g ja tehosteväriksi granaattiomenaa
Needles and other supplies
Sukkapuikot: Novita nro 3 tai käsialan mukaan
- Sileä oikea neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla oikein ja nurjalla nurin.
- Sileä nurja neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla nurin ja nurjalla oikein.
- Kohoneuleet:
neulo vuorotellen 2 krs sileää nurjaa ja 2 krs sileää oikeaa.
- Palmikkoneuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Pitsineuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Helmineuleet:
1. krs:
neulo *1 o, 1 n*
Using the main colour, cast on 36(39)42 sts and distribute them onto four needles: 9, 9, 9, and 9 sts (9, 10, 10, and 10 sts) 10, 11, 11, and 10 sts. The beginning of the round is between needles I and IV. Work ribbing in the round for 6(7)8 cm. Knit 1 round and break the yarn.
Move the sts on needles I and IV onto one needle for the heel flap. Leave the other sts on hold. Using the contrast colour, knit the heel flap sts and at the same time evenly decrease 2(1)0 sts on the first row = 16(18)20 sts. Work stockinette st flat for 12(14)16 rows in total.
Turning the heel: on the next RS row k10(11)13, skp (= slip 1 st knitwise, knit 1, pass the slipped st over). Turn work. *Slip 1, p4(4)6, p2tog. Turn work. Slip 1, k4(4)6, skp, turn work.* Keep repeating *-* until only the centre sts remain and you have last worked a WS row. 6(6)8 sts on the needles. Break the yarn. Distribute the sts onto two needles. The beginning of the round is between the needles.
Now using the main colour, work the 3(3)4 sts on needle I. Pick up and knit 7(8)9 sts from the left edge of the heel flap (with the needle on the left side of the heel flap). Knit the sts on needles II and III. Now pick up and knit 7(8)9 sts from the right edge of the heel flap and work the 3(3)4 heel flap sts.
Continue with these 38(42)48 sts. Work stockinette st in the round and begin the gusset decreases: at the end of needle I, k2tog, and at the beginning of needle IV, skp. Repeat these decreases every round until 32(36)40 sts remain in total. Move the sts so there are 8(9)10 sts on each needle and continue working stockinette st without decreases.
When the foot (including the heel) measures 7(8)9,5 cm, begin the toe decreases. At the end of needles I and III: k2tog. At the beginning of needles II and IV: skp. Repeat the decreases every round until 8 sts remain. Break the yarn, pass it through the remaining sts and securely weave in the yarn ends. Knit the other sock to match.
Steam the socks lightly.