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  3. Womans Pullover Novita Natura
Womans Pullover Novita Natura Example 1

Womans Pullover Novita Natura

Front of this womans pullover worked in Novita Natura yarn is embellished with graphical triangels. This pretty pullover is worked in stocking stitch and garter stitch and its back is longer than its front.


Noora Niinikoski

Stitch pattern
Pattern st: See chart.
Garter st in round: *Rnd 1: knit all sts. Rnd 2: purl all sts, rep from*
14,5 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm measured over pattern st

Stitch pattern

Pattern st: See chart.

Garter st in round: *Rnd 1: knit all sts. Rnd 2: purl all sts, rep from*


14,5 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm measured over pattern st


Cast on 63[69:73:79] sts.

WS: knit.

Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart as folls:

Row 1: Start working from an arrow marked for your size, rep 26 st pattern until the end of the row. Rep rows 1-68.

Work until back meas 6 cm. Inc 1 st at each end. Repeat decreases at each end in 7 cm intervals 4 times = 73[79:83:89] sts. Work increased sts in patt.
Work until back meas 42[43:45:46] cm.

Shape Armholes

Cast off 0[0:2:4] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end 24(25)25(26) times as folls: * every alt row twice, every 4th row once, rep from * = 25[29:29:29] sts. Cast off sts.


Cast on 63[69:73:79] sts.

WS: knit.

Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart as folls:

Row 17: Start working from an arrow marked for your size, rep 26 st pattern until the end of the row. Work rows 17-68. Then rep rows 1-68.

Work until front meas 6 cm. Inc 1 st at each end. Repeat decreases at each end in 5,5 cm intervals 4 times = 73[79:83:89] sts. Work increased sts in patt.
Work until front meas 35[36:38:39] cm.

Shape Armholes

Cast off 0[0:2:4] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end 24(25)25(26) times as folls: * every alt row twice, every 4th row once, rep from *. AT THE SAME TIME when front has 35[39:41:41] sts, shape neck.

Shape Front Neck

Cast off 11[13:13:13] sts in the middle of front for neck. Cont armhole decreases as given. Work each side of neck separately. Cast off every alt row at neck edge 3[4:4:4] sts once, 2 sts twice. Rejoin yarn to sts on holder (left end) and patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.

Left Sleeve

Cast on 33[33:35:37] sts.

WS: knit.

Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart as folls:

Row 1: Sleeve middle stitch is marked in chart with an arrow, count from there your starting st. Rep rows 1-68 and inc 1 st at each end every 4th row 7(9)9(10) times and every 8th row 3 times = 53[57:59:63] sts.
Work until sleeve meas 38[39:40:40] cm.

Shape Top

Cast off 0[0:2:4] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end alternately every alt and every 4th row 19(19)19(20) times. Rep 1 st-dec at right end twice as before and AT THE SAME TIME cast off at left end every alt row 4[5:6:4] sts once, 3[4:3:3] sts 3 times.

Right Sleeve

Work as left sleeve reversing all shapings.

To Make Up

Flatten the pieces to the desired dimensions on an even surface, wrong side up. Wet with water spray, and allow to dry. Join both raglan seams.


Using 40 cm circular needle pick up and knit 76[80:80:80] sts evenly from neck edge. Work in garter st in round 5 rows. Cast off sts knitwise.

Join sleeve seams using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.

Join side seams leaving slits on both sides (11 cm for front and 18 cm for back) using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.

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