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Silmukka sweater Novita 7 Veljestä Lappi and 7 Veljestä Example 1

Silmukka sweater Novita 7 Veljestä Lappi and 7 Veljestä

A Turtle neck swater in Novita 7 Veljestä Lappi ja 7 Veljestä yarn with large graphic pattern of stiches.


Sari Nordlund

Stitch patterns
- Ribbing: *k1, p1*, repeat *-*. On the wrong side rows, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.
- Stockinette stitch: knit the right side rows and purl the wrong side rows.
- Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1*, repeat *-*.
- Colourwork: work stockinette st following the chart and instructions.

Note: To avoid floats longer than 4 sts


Using Sauna cast on 127(137)147(159)169(179) sts and begin ribbing on the WS: k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *-* to end of row. Work ribbing for 3 cm.

Work stockinette st, decreasing 25(27)29(31)33(35) sts on the first row (RS): k1, *k2tog, k3*, repeat *-* 24(26)28(30)32(34) more times, k1(1)1(3)3(3) = 102(110)118(128)136(144) sts.

When the piece measures 26(27)28(29)30(31) cm, place markers for the armholes at both ends.

When the armhole measures 17(18)19(20)21(22) cm, on every other row bind off 4x3 sts and 4x4 sts (8x4 sts) 4x4 sts and 4x5 sts (8x5 sts) 4x5 sts and 4x6 sts (8x6 sts) at both ends.

Note: When the armhole measures 21(22)23(24)25(26)cm, securely bind off the middle 38(38)38(40)40(40)sts for the neckline. Work one shoulder at a time. On every other row bind off 2x2 sts at the neckline edge.

Knit the other side in the same manner.


Using Sauna cast on 127(137)147(159)169(179) sts and begin ribbing on the WS: k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *-* to end of row. Work ribbing for 3 cm.

Work 2 rows in stockinette st, decreasing 25(27)29(31)33(35) sts on the first row (RS): k1, *k2tog, k3*, repeat *-* 24(26)28(30)32(34) more times, k1(1)1(3)3(3) = 102(110)118(128)136(144) sts.

Begin the colourwork pattern on row 1 of the chart: using Sauna k2(6)2(2)6(2), work 32(32)43(43)43(54) sts following the chart, k68(72)73(83)87(88) using Sauna. Keep working stockinette st at both ends. Work rows 2-23 of the chart, then keep repeating rows 6-23.

When the piece measures 26(27)28(29)30(31) cm, place markers for the armholes at both ends.

When the armhole measures 16(17)18(19)20(21) cm, leave the middle 20(20)20(22)22(22) sts on hold for the neckline. Work one shoulder at a time. On every other row bind off 1x4 sts, 2x3 sts and 3x1 st at the neckline edge.

Note: When the armhole measures 17(18)19(20)21(22) cm, on every other row bind off 4x3 sts and 4x4 sts (8x4 sts) 4x4 sts and 4x5 sts (8x5 sts) 4x5 sts and 4x6 sts (8x6 sts) at both ends.

Knit the other side in the same manner.


Using Sauna cast on 64(64)66(66)68(68) sts and begin ribbing on the WS: k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *-* to end of row.

Work ribbing for 9 cm, then switch to stockinette st.

When the piece measures 17(15)14(10)15(16) cm, increase 1 st at both ends. Repeat the increases every 7,5(5)4,5(4)3(2,5) cm 2(4)5(7)8(10) more times = 70(74)78(82)86(90) sts.

When the piece measures 39(40)41(42)42(43) cm, bind off.

Knit the other sleeve in the same manner.


Pin to measurements wrong side up, mist and allow to dry.

Sew the shoulder seams.

Neckline edge: Using Sauna and the circular needle, pick up the sts on hold as well as additional sts from the neckline (RS) for a total of 120(120)120(124)124(124) sts. Start at one of the shoulder seams. Work ribbing in the round for 12 cm, then bind off in pattern.

Attach the sleeves.

Sew the sleeve seams and side seams.

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