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Novita 7 Veljestä: Vapaus knitted sweater Example 1Novita 7 Veljestä: Vapaus knitted sweater Example 2

Novita 7 Veljestä: Vapaus knitted sweater

The graphic Vapaus sweater features a fascinating texture pattern consisting of criss-crossing stripes of ribbing. The sweater is knitted back and forth using Novita 7 Veljestä, and the pieces are then sewn together.


Lea Petäjä

Stitch patterns K1 p1 ribbing: *k1, p1*, repeat *–*. On WS rows, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. K2 p2 ribbing: *k2, p2*, repeat *–*. On WS rows, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. Stockinette stitch in the round: knit all rows.

Gauge 24 sts and 26 rows in k2 p2 ribbing with larger needles (lightly stretched) = 10 cm / 4 in


Using the smaller needles, cast on 126(134)146(154) sts and begin k1 p1 ribbing: (WS) k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *–* to end of row. Work ribbing for 3 rows in total.

Begin k2 p2 ribbing: (RS) p0(0)2(2), k2, *p2, k2*, repeat *–*, p0(0)2(2). Work ribbing for 4(6)10(12) rows.

Begin the textured pattern on row 7(5)3(1) of chart I: (RS) work 5(9)15(19) sts in ribbing, work the 116 st pattern, work 5(9)15(19) sts in ribbing. Work rows 8(6)4(2)–80 of chart I, then work rows 81–100(98)94(92) of chart II.

Work rows 101(99)95(93)–102 of chart II and at the same time bind off 1x5(7)8(10) sts at both ends for armholes. On every other row bind off at both ends 0(0)1(1)x3 sts and 0(1)2(3)x2 sts = 116(116)116(116) sts.

Work rows 103–142 of chart II. 70 sts on the needles.

Work rows 143–145 of chart II. Place midpoint marker and continue on row 146: follow the chart until you have worked 9 sts after the midpoint marker. Leave the previous 18 sts on hold for the neckline, work to end.

On the right side of the neckline, work rows 147–154 of the chart. Break yarn and leave the sts on hold for the collar.

On the left side of the neckline, work rows 147–153 of the chart. Break yarn and leave the sts on hold for the collar.


Using the smaller needles, cast on 126(134)146(154) sts and begin k1 p1 ribbing: (WS) k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *–* to end of row. Work ribbing for 3 rows in total.

Begin k2 p2 ribbing: (RS) p0(0)2(2), k2, *p2, k2*, repeat *–*, p0(0)2(2).

When the piece measures same length as front, work ribbing and at both ends bind off 1x5(7)8(10) sts for armholes. On every other row bind off at both ends 0(0)1(1)x3 sts and 0(1)2(3)x2 sts = 116(116)116(116) sts.

On the next RS row, begin decreases: k1, p2, k1, skp, work to last 6 sts, k2tog, k1, p2, k1. Repeat the decreases on every other row 12 more times and then 31 times on every row. Work the WS row and k2tog at both ends. Leave the remaining 26(26)26(26) sts on hold for the collar.

Right sleeve

Using the smaller needles, cast on 46(46)46(46) sts and begin k1 p1 ribbing: (WS) k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *–* to end of row. Work ribbing for 5 cm.

Begin k2 p2 ribbing: (RS) k2, *p2, k2*, repeat *–* to end of row.

After 2 rows, begin increases:

Increase row 1: (RS) work 8 sts, m1R (using the left needle, pick up the strand of yarn between the sts from the back and knit it through the front loop), place 1st marker, work 8 sts, m1R, place 2nd marker, work 14 sts, place 3rd marker, m1L (using the left needle, pick up the strand of yarn between the sts from the front and knit it through the back loop), work 8 sts, place 4th marker, m1L, work 8 sts = 50(50)50(50) sts. On the WS row, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.

Increase row 2: (RS) work 9 sts, m1R, SM (slip marker), work 9 sts, m1R, SM, work 14 sts, SM, m1L, work 9 sts, SM, m1L, work 9 sts = 54(54)54(54) sts. On the WS row, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.

Increase row 3: (RS) work 10 sts, m1Rp (using the left needle, pick up the strand of yarn between the sts from the back and purl it through the front loop), SM, work 10 sts, m1Rp, SM, work 14 sts, SM, m1Lp (using the left needle, pick up the strand of yarn between the sts from the front and purl it through the back loop), work 10 sts, SM, m1Lp, work 10 sts = 58(58)58(58) sts. On the WS row, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.

Increase row 4: (RS) work 11 sts, m1Rp, SM, work 11 sts, m1Rp, SM, work 14 sts, SM, m1Lp, work 11 sts, SM, m1Lp, work 11 sts = 62(62)62(62) sts. On the WS row, knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.

Work ribbing and keep increasing as follows: on the right side of the 1st marker, 0(0)4(4) more times; on the right side of the 2nd marker and on the left side of the 3rd marker, 8(8)8(8) more times on every other row; on the left side of the 4th marker, 0(0)4(4) more times. After completing the increases, remove the markers.

Note: When the piece measures 17 cm, increase 1 st at both ends: (RS) k2, m1L/m1Lp as required to maintain rib pattern, work to last 2 sts, m1R/m1Rp as required to maintain rib pattern. Repeat the increases on every 6(4)4(4)th row 4(7)6(9) more times. Work the increased sts in ribbing. 88(94)100(106) sts on the needles after the increases.

Note: When the piece measures 19 cm, begin the 34 st textured pattern in the middle of the piece following row 1 of chart III. The midpoint of the piece is marked with an arrow, use that to determine the starting point. Work rows 2–32, then work ribbing.

When the piece measures 47(48)49(49) cm, bind off 1x4(5)6(7) sts at both ends. On every other row, bind off at both ends 0(1)1(2)x2 sts and 0(0)2(2)x1 st = 80(80)80(80) sts.

Work ribbing as established and begin raglan decreases at both ends: (RS) k2, skp (slip 1 knitwise, k1, pass the slipped st over), work to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Repeat the decreases on every other row 15 more times. 48(48)48(48) sts on the needles.

Mark the middle 12 sts and decrease in the middle: (RS) work to last 2 sts before marked sts, k2tog, work marked 12 sts, skp, work to end. Repeat the decreases on every other row 11 more times. Work the WS row once more: ssp (slip 2 sts knitwise one at a time to right-hand needle, slip them back to left-hand needle and purl them together through the back loop), work to last 2 sts, p2tog. Leave the remaining 22(22)22(22) sts on hold for the collar.

Left sleeve

Work like right sleeve but work the textured pattern following chart IV.


Sew the raglan seams.

Place the 26(26)26(26) back sts, 22(22)22(22) left sleeve sts, 46(46)46(46) front sts and 22(22)22(22) right sleeve sts onto the circular needle (40 cm) = 116(116)116(116) sts. Work ribbing in the round. Work the loops of double sts together to form one st. On both sides of the middle 12 sts in the sleeves, decrease on every other row 4 more times = 100(100)100(100) sts. When the collar measures 16 cm, bind off in ribbing.

Sew the side seams and sleeve seams. Steam and shape. Weave in all ends.

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