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Mountaineer sweater Novita Natura Example 1

Mountaineer sweater Novita Natura

A true outdoor companion, this sweater is an homage to Nordic traditions and nature. The sweater is knitted from Novita Natura, a 100 % wool yarn.


Lea Petäjä

Stitch patterns
- Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1*


Using the longer circular needle and Clay cast on 156(168)180(192)204 sts. Work ribbing in the round for 5 cm, then work 1 round in stockinette st.

Begin the colourwork pattern on row 1 of the chart. Repeat the 6 st pattern 26(28)30(32)34 times. Work rows 2-13 of the chart, then work stockinette st using Clay.

When the piece measures 41(42)43(44)46 cm, divide the sts into two groups on the next round: bind off the first 6(6)6(9)9 sts for an armhole, work 66(72)78(78)84 back sts, bind off next 12(12)12(18)18 sts for the other armhole, work 66(72)78(78)84 front sts, bind off the last 6(6)6(9)9 sts. Leave the back and front sts on hold.


Using the double-pointed needles and Clay cast on 36(36)40(40)40 sts and work ribbing in the round for 5 cm. Work 1 round of stockinette st, evenly increasing 0(0)2(2)2 sts = 36(36)42(42)42 sts.

Begin the colourwork pattern on row 1 of the chart. Repeat the 6 st pattern 6(6)7(7)7 times. Work rows 2-13 of the chart, then work stockinette st using Clay.

When the piece measures 14(14)15(15)15 cm, increase 1 st on both sides of the beginning of round: work 1 st, increase 1 st (= knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), work to last st, increase 1 st, work 1 st. Repeat the increases every 3,5(2,5)3,5(2,5)2 cm 8(11)8(11)14 more times = 54(60)60(66)72 sts.

When the piece measures 47(48)49(49)50 cm, bind off the first 6(6)6(9)9 sts and the last 6(6)6(9)9 sts. Leave the other 42(48)48(48)54 sts on hold.

Knit the other sleeve in the same manner.


Place the sts onto the longer circular needle: 66(72)78(78)84 sts (back) + 42(48)48(48)54 sts (sleeve) + 66(72)78(78)84 sts (front) + 42(48)48(48)54 sts (sleeve) = 216(240)252(252)276 sts.

Knit 1(1)2(4)5 round(s) using Clay. Then begin the colourwork pattern on row 14 of the chart. The 12 st pattern is repeated 18(20)21(21)23 times.

Work rows 15-23 of the chart. 2 sts decreased in each pattern repeat on row 23 = 180(200)210(210)230 sts.

Work rows 24-28 of the chart. 2 sts decreased in each pattern repeat on row 28 = 144(160)168(168)184 sts.

Note: Switch to the shorter circular needle when you need to.

Work rows 29-38 of the chart. 1 st decreased in each pattern repeat on row 38 = 126(140)147(147)161 sts.

Work rows 39-45 of the chart. 1 st decreased in each pattern repeat on row 45 = 108(120)126(126)138 sts.

Work rows 46-52 of the chart. 1 st decreased in each pattern repeat on row 52 = 90(100)105(105)115 sts.

Work 1(1)2(2)2 round(s) in stockinette st using Clay.

Work ribbing in the round. On the first round evenly decrease 0(6)7(7)13 sts = 90(94)98(98)102 sts.

When the ribbing measures 6 cm, bind off in pattern.


Pin to measurements wrong side up, mist and allow to dry.

Sew the underarm seams.

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