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Children's knitted sweater Novita Baby Wool and Nordic Wool Example 1

Children's knitted sweater Novita Baby Wool and Nordic Wool

Children's knitted sweater Novita Baby Wool and Nordic Wool. The sweater is knitted seamlessly except for short underarm seams.


Minttu Wikberg

- Sileä oikea neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla oikein ja nurjalla nurin.
- Sileä nurja neuleet:
neulo s:t oikealla nurin ja nurjalla oikein.
- Kohoneuleet:
neulo vuorotellen 2 krs sileää nurjaa ja 2 krs sileää oikeaa.
- Palmikkoneuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Pitsineuleet:
neulo ohjeen ja ruutupiirroksen mukaan.
- Helmineuleet:
1. krs:
neulo *1 o, 1 n*

Back and front

Work in one piece until you reach the armholes. Using the longer circular needle and the stone-coloured yarn, cast on 144(152)160 sts and work ribbing in the round for 4 cm. Mark the beginning of round and the midway point with e.g. a different-coloured yarn. 72(76)80 sts each on the front and back pieces.

When the piece measures 26(28)30 cm, work the first 69(72)75 back sts, bind off the next 7(8)10 sts for the armhole, work 65(68)70 front sts, and bind off the last 3(4)5 sts of the round and first 4(4)5 sts of the next round for the other armhole. 65(68)70 sts each on the front and back pieces. Leave the sts on hold.


Using the smaller double-pointed needles and the stone yarn, cast on 36(40)40 sts and distribute them onto four needles. Work ribbing in the round for 5 cm.

Switch to the larger double-pointed needles and work stockinette st in the round.

When the piece measures 6(9)6 cm, increase 1 st on both sides of the beginning of round: k1, make 1 (=knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), and when 1 st remains, m1, k1. Repeat the increases every 3 cm 6(6)8 more times = 50(54)58 sts.

When the piece measures 27(30)32 cm, work the first 47(50)53 sts and then bind off the last 3(4)5 sts of the round and first 4(4)5 sts of the next round. Leave the other 43(46)48 sts on hold on e.g. a piece of yarn.

Knit the other sleeve to match.


Place all the pieces onto the longer circular needle: 65(68)70 back sts + 43(46)48 sleeve sts + 65(68)70 front sts + 43(46)48 sleeve sts = 216(228)236 sts.

Using the stone-coloured yarn, knit 1(1)3 round and on the first round evenly decrease 0(4)4 sts = 216(224)232 sts.

Begin the colourwork pattern in the round from row 1 of the chart. Work the 8 st pattern repeat 27(28)29 times. Work rows 2-3 of the chart. Work row 4 and evenly decrease 6(4)2 sts = 210(220)230 sts.

Work rows 5-13 of the chart. 10 st pattern repeated 21(22)23 times. Work row 14 and evenly decrease 40(40)40 sts = 170(180)190 sts.

Switch to the shorter circular needle when needed.

Work rows 15-29 of the chart. 10 st pattern repeated 17(18)19 times. Work row 30 and evenly decrease 38(36)40 sts = 132(144)150 sts.

Work rows 31-37 of the chart. 6 st pattern repeated 22(24)25 times. Work row 38 and evenly decrease 24(24)26 sts = 108(120)124 sts.

Size 92/98 cm: Knit 1 round with the stone yarn. Switch to the smaller circular needle and work ribbing in the round. On the first round, evenly decrease 28 sts = 80 sts. When the ribbing measures 3 cm, bind off in pattern.

Sizes 104/110 cm and 116/122 cm: Work rows 39-42of the chart. 4 st pattern repeated 30(31)times. Knit 1 round with the stone yarn and at the same time evenly decrease 40(40) sts = 80(84) sts. Switch to the smaller circular needle, work ribbing in the round for 3 cm and bind off in pattern.


Sew the underarm seams. Lay the sweater to measurements and steam lightly.

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