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  3. Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool
Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool Example 1Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool Example 2Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool Example 3Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool Example 4Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool Example 5

Aamukaste (Morning Dew) cardigan Novita Baby Wool

As the pale morning sunlight slowly seeps in through the window, put your softest cardigan on and wait for the warmth to spread. This delicate cardigan with bobbles and lace is knitted from Novita Baby Wool, a DK yarn from 100 % wool.


Sari Nordlund

Stitch patterns
- Ribbing: *k1, p1*, repeat *-* to end. On the wrong side rows

The ribbed hem has slits on the sides so it is knitted in three pieces.

Using the smaller needles cast on 99(113)127 sts for the back piece and begin ribbing with k1 (WS). Work in ribbing. At both ends keep working 1 st in garter st for the slits.

When the ribbing measures approx. 4,5 cm, finish on a WS row, break yarn and leave the sts on hold.

Using the smaller needles cast on 44(51)58 sts for the left front piece and begin ribbing on the WS with p1(k1)p1. Work in ribbing. At the right end keep working 1 st in garter st.

When the ribbing measures approx. 4,5 cm, finish on a WS row, break yarn and leave the sts on hold.

Using the smaller needles cast on 44(51)58 sts for the right front piece and begin ribbing on the WS with k1. Work in ribbing. At the left end keep working 1 st in garter st.

When the ribbing measures approx. 4,5 cm, finish on a WS row and join the pieces: move the 44(51)58 right front sts, 99(113)127 back sts and 44(51)58 left front sts onto the larger circular needle = 187(215)243 sts.


RS: knit 43(50)57 right front sts, skp (= slip the last front st knitwise, k1, pass the slipped st over), knit 97(111)125 back sts, k2tog (last back st + first front st), knit the 43(50)57 left front sts. Place side markers at the edges of the pieces (at the sts you worked together). 185(213)241 sts on the needles. Purl the WS row.

Begin the lace pattern on row 1 of chart I: work the 2 sts at the right end, repeat the 14 st pattern 12(14)16 times, work the 15 sts at left. Work rows 2-24 of the chart, then keep repeating rows 1-24.

When the piece measures 29(30)32 cm, on a WS row work to marker, bind off marked st, work to other marker, bind off marked st, work to end.

Top right front

Resume the lace pattern with the 43(50)57 right front sts. Leave the other sts on hold.

Begin the slanted neckline on the first row (RS): k2tog, work to end. Repeat the decrease on every 4th row 10 more times. Note: Each decrease in the lace pattern should be paired with a yarn over so that the number of sts doesn't change. If you aren't able to work the decrease, work them as knit sts instead.

When the armhole measures 16(18)20 cm, on every other row at the left end bind off 3x8(10)11 sts and 1x8(9)13 sts for the shoulder.

Top back

Resume the lace pattern with the 97(111)125 back sts.

When the armhole measures 16(18)20 cm, on every other row at both ends bind off 3x8(10)11 sts and 1x8(9)13 sts for the shoulders. Bind off the remaining 33neckline sts.

Top left front

Resume the lace pattern with the 43(50)57 left front sts.

Begin the slanted neckline on the first row (RS): work to last 2 sts, skp. Repeat the decrease on every 4th row 10 more times.

When the armhole measures 16(18)20 cm, on every other row at the right end bind off 3x8(10)11 sts and 1x8(9)13 sts for the shoulder.


Using the smaller needles cast on 42(44)46 sts and work ribbing for 4,5 cm.

Switch to the larger needles and work 2 rows in stockinette st. On the first row increase 1 st = 43(45)47 sts.

Begin the lace pattern on row 1 of chart II: work the 1(2)3 st(s) at the right end, repeat the 14 st pattern 2 times, work the 14(15)16 sts at left. Work rows 2-24 of the chart, then keep repeating rows 1-24.

When the piece measures 11(9)7 cm, increase 1 st at both ends inside the edge sts (= knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop). Repeat the increases every 4,5(3,5)3 cm 6(9)12 more times = 57(65)73 sts. Work the increased sts following the chart and note that each decrease in the lace pattern should be paired with a yarn over so that the number of sts doesn't change. If you aren't able to work the decrease, work them as knit sts instead.

When the piece measures 43(44)45 cm, bind off loosely.

Knit the other sleeve in the same manner.


Pin to measurements wrong side up, mist and allow to dry. You can push the bobbles out with your finger to make them larger.

Sew the shoulder seams.

Border: Pick up and knit stitches from the RS onto the smaller circular needle. Start at the ribbing on the right front edge and pick up 1 st per row. At the lace section pick up 3 sts per 4 rows. Pick up 32 sts at the back neckline. On the other front piece pick up 3 sts per 4 rows at the lace section and 1 st per row at the ribbing. Make sure the number of sts is divisible by 2 + 5 sts. Begin ribbing on the WS: p2, k1, *p1, k1*, repeat *-*, p2.

When the border measures 1,5 cm, work buttonholes to the right border. The topmost buttonhole should be at the starting point of the neckline decreases, the lowest one 3 cm from the hem and the other two evenly in between. Buttonhole: work 2 sts together, yarn over.

When the border measures 4 cm, loosely bind off in pattern.

Attach the sleeves. Sew on the buttons.

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