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  3. Women's long cardigan Novita Natura
Women's long cardigan Novita Natura Example 1Women's long cardigan Novita Natura Example 2

Women's long cardigan Novita Natura

Finishing makes the cardigan look imposing. The tassels are fastened with rya knot. Knitted from Novita Natura.


Mari Kangas

Stitch patterns:
- k2 p2 ribbing:
*k2, p2*, repeat to end. On the wrong side rows, knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches.
- Stockinette stitch:
Right side rows: knit all stitches.
Wrong side rows: purl all stitches.
- k1 p1 ribbing:
*k1, p1*, repeat to end. On the wrong side rows


Using the larger needles and the off-white yarn, cast on 94(98)106(110)118(122) sts and begin working the k2 p2 ribbing on the WS with p2. Work in ribbing for 4 cm. Then work in stockinette st and evenly decrease on the first row 2(0)2(0)2(0) sts = 92(98)104(110)116(122) sts.

When the piece measures 26 cm, begin the striping. Work the striping for the back piece following the instructions and then work with the off-white yarn.

Striping on the back and front pieces:

Work in stockinette st:

10 cm in the lake colourway
2 cm bear
4 cm clay
6 cm lake
8 cm clay
4 cm off-white
2 cm lake
4 cm lake
6 cm bear
2 cm off-white
6 cm clay

Note: When the piece measures 40 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends. Repeat the decreases every 5 cm for 6 more times = 78(84)90(96)102(108) sts.

When the piece measures 83(85)87(89)91(93) cm, mark the spot for the armhole at both edges with a different-coloured piece of yarn.

When the armhole measures 14(15)16(17)18(19) cm, securely bind off the middle 22 sts for the neckline. Work one side of the neckline at a time. Work 1 row and decrease 1 st at the neckline edge on the next row.

When the armhole measures 18 cm, bind off the remaining 27(30)33(36)39(42) shoulder sts.

Knit the other side of the neckline to match.

Left front

Using the larger needles and the off-white yarn, cast on 43(43)47(51)55(55) sts and begin the k2 p2 ribbing on the WS: p3, *k2, p2*, repeat *-* to end. Work in ribbing for 4 cm. Then work in stockinette st and evenly decrease on the first row 2(0)0(2)2(0) sts = 41(43)47(49)53(55) sts.

When the piece measures 26 cm, begin the striping. Work the striping following the instructions and then work with the off-white yarn.

Note: When the piece measures 40 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end. Repeat the decreases every 5 cm for 6 more times = 34(36)40(42)46(48) sts.

When the piece measures 67(69)71(73)75(77) cm, begin the decreases for the neckline at the front edge (=left end): work the RS row until 3 sts remain at the front edge, then k2tog, k1. Repeat the increases every 5(5)5(5,5)5,5(6) cm for 6(5)6(5)6(5) more times.

Note: When the piece measures 83(85)87(89)91(93) cm, mark the spot for the armhole at the edge with a different-coloured piece of yarn.

When the armhole measures 16(17)18(19)20(21) cm, bind off the remaining 27(30)33(36)39(42) shoulder sts.

Right front

Work as the mirror image of the left front. Decreases at the neckline: skp (= slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped st over).


Using the smaller needles and the off-white yarn, cast on 30(30)34(34)36(36) sts and work in k2 p2 ribbing for 8 cm.

On the next RS row, knit all sts through the front and back loop = 60(60)68(68)72(72) sts.

Switch to the larger needles and work in stockinette st.

When the piece measures 19 cm, begin the striping. Work the striping following the instructions. Finish with the off-white yarn.

Striping on the sleeves:

Work in stockinette st:

6 cm lake
6 cm clay
2 cm lake
4 cm clay
6 cm bear
2 cm off-white
4 cm clay

When the piece measures 20(21)21(22)22(23) cm, evenly decrease 6(6)4(4)4(4) sts on the next row by k2tog =54(54)64(64)68(68) sts.

When the piece measures 30(31)31(32)32(33) cm, evenly decrease 3(2)4(4)3(3) sts on the next row = 51(52)60(60)65(65) sts.

When the piece measures 40(41)41(42)42(43) cm, evenly decrease 2(0)4(2)4(0) sts on the next row = 49(52)56(58)61(65) sts.

When the piece measures 47(48)49(49)50(51) cm, bind off.

Knit the other sleeve to match.


Lay the pieces to measurements, mist on the wrong side and allow to dry.

Sew the shoulder seams.


The collar is knitted in two pieces after the shoulder seams have been sewn. First pick up the sts on the left using the off-white yarn and the larger needles. Begin from the midpoint of the back neckline, and then pick up the sts from the neckline of the left front and the front edge. Pick up approx. 20 sts across every 10 cm (make sure the number of sts is divisible by 4 + 3 sts). Begin working k2 p2 ribbing on the WS: p3, *k2, p2*, repeat *-* to end.

When you have worked 3 rows (finishing on a WS row), distribute the sts on the back and front neckline (= the slanted section of the front + the back) into 9 groups of approx. the same size. Place stitch markers at the end of each group.

Work the RS row from back midpoint to 9th marker (lower edge of the slanted section of the neckline), turn work, sl 1, work to end. Work the next row until 8th marker, turn work, sl 1 and work to end. Turn work a total of 9 times at each stitch marker.

When you have worked all short rows, continue with all the sts. When the border measures 8 cm, bind off in ribbing.

Work the right front border to match.

Sew the back seam of the collar. Attach the sleeves at the armholes following the red markers.

Sew the sleeve seams and side seams.

Belt:Using the smaller needles and the lake colourway, cast on 10 sts and work in k1 p1 ribbing. When the belt measures approx. 150-200 cm, bind off in pattern.

Tassels: Make tassels for the lake and bear colour sections. Cut an approx. 30 cm long strand of yarn for each tassel. Attach the tassels onto every stitch on the top edge of each stripe, and onto every 2nd stitch elsewhere on the stripes. Around the colour changes, attach a few tassels of the lower colour onto the upper stripe here and there.

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