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Women's Cabled Cardigan Novita Nordic Wool Example 1

Women's Cabled Cardigan Novita Nordic Wool

This long cardigan, knitted from Novita Nordic Wool, features impressive cables both framing the fronts and embel-lishing the sleeves.


Lea Petäjä

Stitch patterns:
- Stockinette stitch:
knit all stitches on the right side rows, purl on the wrong side rows.
- Cables:
knit according to the chart and the written instructions.
- Ribbing:
*k1, p1


Using the smaller needle cast on 107(115)123(131)139(147) sts and work in ribbing for 7 cm.

Change to the larger needle, start working in stockinette stitch and decrease 1 st on the 1st row = 106(114)122(130)138(146) sts.

When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31(32) cm, decrease 1 st on both ends leaving 1 st untouched on both ends ( = decrease the second to last stitch). Repeat the decreases every 5 cm for 6 more times = 92(100)108(116)124(132) sts.

When the piece measures 80(81)82(83)83(84) cm, begin shaping the armhole and bind off on both ends of the row on every 2nd row 1x5(5)5(6)6(6) sts and 5(5)5(6)6(6)x1 sts = 72(80)88(92)100(108) sts.

When the armhole measures 17(18)19(20)20(21) cm, bind off the center 28 sts for the neckline and switch to working each side of the neck separately. Shape the first side by binding off 1x2 sts after knitting 2 rows.

When the armhole measures 19(20)21(22)22(23) cm, bind off 20(24)28(30)34(38) sts for the shoulder.

Knit the other side of the neckline to match.

Left front

Using the smaller needle cast on 66(70)74(78)82(86) sts. On the WS row start the ribbing and also the cable pattern on the front edge from row 1 of the chart. Reading from left to right, knit 4 sts from the begin of the 1st row, work the cable ( = 18 sts), *p1, k1, repeat from * to end. In the right end work 44(48)52(56)60(64) sts in ribbing, knit through rows 1-3 of the chart on the left end and then keep repeating rows 4-11. On row 3 4 sts will be added to the cable and you will have 70(74)78(82)86(90) sts on the needle.

Note: When the ribbing measures 7 cm, change to the larger needle and work 44(48)52(56)60(64) sts in stockinette stitch in the right end and at the same time continue to follow the chart for the cable on the front edge ( = the left end).

When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31(32) cm, decrease 1 st on the right edge leaving 1 st untouched ( = decrease the second to last stitch). Repeat the decrease every 5 cm 6 more times = 63(67)71(75)79(83) sts.

When the piece measures 80(81)82(83)83(84) cm, start the decreases for the armholes on the right end and at the same time decrease 1 st on the front edge: bind off 1x5(5)5(6)6(6) sts in the beginning of the row and when you have 28 sts remaining on the needle, knit 2 together, knit to end. Keep making the armhole decrease every 2nd row 5(5)5(6)6(6)x1 st and on the front edge 1 st every 3 cm 6 more times.

When the armhole measures 19(20)21(22)22(23) cm, bind off 20(24)28(30)34(38) sts for the shoulder. 26 border sts remaining on the needles. Increase 1 st for the seam next to the shoulder and continue working the cable with these 27 sts. Continue in this manner for approx. half the width of the neckline (pulling the border slightly). Leave these border sts on hold for example on a piece of scrap yarn.

Right front

Work as left front reversing all the shapings.


Using the smaller needle cast on 46(46)50(50)54(54) sts and start both the ribbing and the cable on the WS row. Start the cable in the middle of the piece from row 1 of the cable chart: *k1, p1, repeat from * for 6(6)7(7)8(8) more times, knit the cable from the chart (18sts), *p1, k1, repeat from * to the end of the row.

Work in ribbing for 14(14)16(16)18(18) sts on both ends, work rows 1-3 of the cable chart and then repeat rows 4-11. On row 3 of the chart you will add 4 sts to the cable and you will have 50(50)54(54)58(58) sts on the needle.

Note: When the piece measures 6 cm, change to the larger needle, work in stockinette stitch for 14(14)16(16)18(18) sts on both ends and continue working the cable in the middle according to the chart.

When the piece measures 12(12)13(15)14(9) cm, increase 1 st on both ends. Repeat the increases every 3 cm 9(11)11(13)11(13) more times = 70(74)78(82)82(86) sts.

When the piece measures 47(48)49(50)50(51) cm, bind off on both ends on every 2nd round 1x5(5)5(6)6(6) sts and 7(7)7(8)8(8)x1 st. Bind off the remaining stitches.

Knit the other sleeve to match.


Using the larger needle, cast on 39 sts and work in stockinette stitch for 16 cm. Change to the smaller needle and work in ribbing for 4 cm. Bind off in pattern.

Knit the other pocket to match.


Lay the pieces to the desired measurements wrong side up on a surface, mist with a spray bottle and allow to dry.

Sew the shoulder seams. Either sew or use the kitchener stitch to join the middle back seam of the neckline border. Attach the border to the neckline of the back piece.

Join in the sleeves according to the red marks in the pattern. Sew the sleeve seams and the side seams.

Attach the pockets approx. 30 cm under the armhole and 13 cm from the front edge.

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