Women's cabled cardigan Novita Natura
This long cardigan, knitted from Novita Natura, features impressive cables.
Lea Petäjä
Finished dimensions
body circumference approx. 100(108)116(124)132 cm length approx. 98(100)102(104)106 cm inner sleeve length 46(47)48(48)49 cm
Yarn demand
Novita Natura (045) clay 850(900)950(1000)1050 g
Needles and other supplies
Needles: Novita 6 mm and 7 mm or sizes needed to obtain gauge Circular needle (80 cm): Novita 6 mm for the ribbing on the front edge
Finished dimensions
body circumference approx. 100(108)116(124)132 cm length approx. 98(100)102(104)106 cm inner sleeve length 46(47)48(48)49 cm
-Stitch patterns Ribbing:
*k2, p2*, repeat *-*. On the wrong side rows
Using the smaller needles, cast on 98(100)106(108)112 sts and begin the ribbing on the WS: k2(3)2(3)1, *p2, k2*, repeat *-*. At the end of row, p2, k2(3)2(3)1. Work in ribbing for 6 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k10(11)14(15)17, *work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts]*, repeat *-* 3 more times, work A, k10(11)14(15)17. 6(10)10(14)14 sts increased, 104(110)116(122)126 sts on the needles.
Work rows 2-4. Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12.
Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row: on the garter st section next to the right cable section, work the skp decrease (= slip 1 knitwise, k1, pass the slipped st over), and on the garter st section next to the left cable section, k2tog = 102(108)114(120)124 sts.
When the piece measures 37(38)38(39)39 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at both ends as before, and also decrease 1 st between each cable (work the skp decrease). 6 sts decreased, 96(102)108(114)118 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 45(46)46(47)47 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row = 94(100)106(112)116 sts.
When the piece measures 53(54)54(55)55 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at both ends as before as well as 1 st between each cable. 6 sts decreased, 88(94)100(106)110 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 61(62)62(63)63 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row = 86(92)98(104)108 sts.
When the piece measures 78(79)80(82)83 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at both ends for the armholes. Then decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 st at both ends on every other row = 76(82)84(90)92 sts.
When the armhole measures 18(19)20(20)21 cm, securely bind off the middle 24(26)26(28)28 sts for the neckline. Work one side of the neckline at a time. Decrease 2x1 st on every other row at the neckline edge.
When the armhole measures 20(21)22(22)23 cm, decrease 2 sts at each cable on a WS row. On the next row, bind off the shoulder sts.
Work the other side of the neckline to match.
Left front
Using the smaller needles, cast on 46(48)51(53)55 sts and begin working ribbing on the WS with k2 (p1, k2) p1, k2 (p2, k2) p2, k2. *P2, k2*, repeat *-*, and at the end of row p2, k2(3)2(3)1. Work in ribbing for 6 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k10(11)14(15)17, work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts], work A (14+2 sts), k6(7)7(8)8. 3(4)4(5)5 sts increased, 49(52)55(58)60 sts on the needles.
Work rows 2-4. Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12.
Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row: on the garter st section next to the right cable pattern, skp = 48(51)54(57)59 sts.
When the piece measures 37(38)38(39)39 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at the right end as well as 1 st between the cables. 2 sts decreased, 46(49)52(55)57 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 45(46)46(47)47 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row = 45(48)51(54)56 sts.
When the piece measures 53(54)54(55)55 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at the right end as well as 1 st between the cables. 2 sts decreased, 43(46)49(52)54 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 61(62)62(63)63 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row = 42(45)48(51)53 sts.
When the piece measures 73(74)75(77)78 cm, begin the decreases for the neckline: work a RS row until 2 sts remain, k2tog. Repeat the decrease every other row 1(2)2(3)3 more times, and then 11 times on every 4th row.
Note: When the piece measures 78(79)80(82)83 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at the right end for the armhole. Decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 st at the right end on every other row.
When the armhole measures 20(21)22(22)23 cm, decrease 2 sts at each cable on a WS row. On the next row, bind off the shoulder sts.
Right front
Work as the mirror image of the left front.
Using the smaller needles, cast on 36(38)40(40)42 sts and begin working ribbing on the WS with p1, k2 (p2, k2) k1 (k1) k2. *P2, k2*, repeat *-*, and at the end of row p1 (p2) p2, k1 (p2, k1) p2, k2.. Work in ribbing for 3 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k3(4)5(5)6, work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts], work A (= 14+2 sts), k3(4)5(5)6. 3(4)4(5)5 sts increased, 39(42)44(45)47 sts on the needles.
Work row 2 of the chart. Work row 3, decreasing 2 sts between the cables = 37(40)42(43)45 sts. Then work row 4.
Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12. Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 10(12)10(12)13 cm, increase 1 st at both ends. Work the increases 2 sts from each edge by knitting the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop. Work the increased sts in garter st. Repeat the increases every 4(3,5)3,5(3)3 cm 8(9)10(11)11 more times = 55(60)64(67)69 sts.
When the piece measures 46(47)48(48)49 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at both ends. Decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 sts at both ends on every other row. Note: On the last WS row, bind off 2 sts at both cables. On the next row, bind off the remaining sts.
Knit the other sleeve to match.
Pin the pieces to measurements, mist on the wrong side and allow to dry.
Sew the shoulder seams.
Attach the sleeves at the armholes following the red markers on the pattern.
Sew the side seams and the sleeve seams.
Collar: Using the smaller needles, pick up and knit sts from the edges of the front pieces and the neckline, three sts for every 4 rows. The stitch count must be divisible by 4. Begin working ribbing on the WS (work the sts on the 1st row through the back loop): p3, k2, *p2, k2*, repeat *-*, p3. When the ribbing measures 7 cm, bind off in pattern.
Belt: Cast on 10 sts and work in k1 p1 ribbing. When the belt measures approx. 150-180 cm, bind off in pattern.
Women's cabled cardigan Novita Natura
Finished dimensions
body circumference approx. 100(108)116(124)132 cm length approx. 98(100)102(104)106 cm inner sleeve length 46(47)48(48)49 cm
Yarn demand
Novita Natura (045) clay 850(900)950(1000)1050 g
Needles and other supplies
Needles: Novita 6 mm and 7 mm or sizes needed to obtain gauge Circular needle (80 cm): Novita 6 mm for the ribbing on the front edge
-Stitch patterns Ribbing:
*k2, p2*, repeat *-*. On the wrong side rows
Using the smaller needles, cast on 98(100)106(108)112 sts and begin the ribbing on the WS: k2(3)2(3)1, *p2, k2*, repeat *-*. At the end of row, p2, k2(3)2(3)1. Work in ribbing for 6 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k10(11)14(15)17, *work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts]*, repeat *-* 3 more times, work A, k10(11)14(15)17. 6(10)10(14)14 sts increased, 104(110)116(122)126 sts on the needles.
Work rows 2-4. Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12.
Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row: on the garter st section next to the right cable section, work the skp decrease (= slip 1 knitwise, k1, pass the slipped st over), and on the garter st section next to the left cable section, k2tog = 102(108)114(120)124 sts.
When the piece measures 37(38)38(39)39 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at both ends as before, and also decrease 1 st between each cable (work the skp decrease). 6 sts decreased, 96(102)108(114)118 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 45(46)46(47)47 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row = 94(100)106(112)116 sts.
When the piece measures 53(54)54(55)55 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at both ends as before as well as 1 st between each cable. 6 sts decreased, 88(94)100(106)110 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 61(62)62(63)63 cm, decrease 1 st at both ends on a RS row = 86(92)98(104)108 sts.
When the piece measures 78(79)80(82)83 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at both ends for the armholes. Then decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 st at both ends on every other row = 76(82)84(90)92 sts.
When the armhole measures 18(19)20(20)21 cm, securely bind off the middle 24(26)26(28)28 sts for the neckline. Work one side of the neckline at a time. Decrease 2x1 st on every other row at the neckline edge.
When the armhole measures 20(21)22(22)23 cm, decrease 2 sts at each cable on a WS row. On the next row, bind off the shoulder sts.
Work the other side of the neckline to match.
Left front
Using the smaller needles, cast on 46(48)51(53)55 sts and begin working ribbing on the WS with k2 (p1, k2) p1, k2 (p2, k2) p2, k2. *P2, k2*, repeat *-*, and at the end of row p2, k2(3)2(3)1. Work in ribbing for 6 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k10(11)14(15)17, work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts], work A (14+2 sts), k6(7)7(8)8. 3(4)4(5)5 sts increased, 49(52)55(58)60 sts on the needles.
Work rows 2-4. Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12.
Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 29(30)30(31)31 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row: on the garter st section next to the right cable pattern, skp = 48(51)54(57)59 sts.
When the piece measures 37(38)38(39)39 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at the right end as well as 1 st between the cables. 2 sts decreased, 46(49)52(55)57 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 45(46)46(47)47 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row = 45(48)51(54)56 sts.
When the piece measures 53(54)54(55)55 cm, on a RS row decrease 1 st at the right end as well as 1 st between the cables. 2 sts decreased, 43(46)49(52)54 sts on the needles.
When the piece measures 61(62)62(63)63 cm, decrease 1 st at the right end on a RS row = 42(45)48(51)53 sts.
When the piece measures 73(74)75(77)78 cm, begin the decreases for the neckline: work a RS row until 2 sts remain, k2tog. Repeat the decrease every other row 1(2)2(3)3 more times, and then 11 times on every 4th row.
Note: When the piece measures 78(79)80(82)83 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at the right end for the armhole. Decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 st at the right end on every other row.
When the armhole measures 20(21)22(22)23 cm, decrease 2 sts at each cable on a WS row. On the next row, bind off the shoulder sts.
Right front
Work as the mirror image of the left front.
Using the smaller needles, cast on 36(38)40(40)42 sts and begin working ribbing on the WS with p1, k2 (p2, k2) k1 (k1) k2. *P2, k2*, repeat *-*, and at the end of row p1 (p2) p2, k1 (p2, k1) p2, k2.. Work in ribbing for 3 cm.
Switch to the larger needles. Begin working garter st and the cable pattern from row 1 of chart I(II)II(III)III: k3(4)5(5)6, work section A (= 14+2 sts), work section B [= 2-1 sts (2 sts) 2 sts (2+1 sts) 2+1 sts], work A (= 14+2 sts), k3(4)5(5)6. 3(4)4(5)5 sts increased, 39(42)44(45)47 sts on the needles.
Work row 2 of the chart. Work row 3, decreasing 2 sts between the cables = 37(40)42(43)45 sts. Then work row 4.
Work rows 5-10 three times, then work rows 11-12. Now keep repeating rows 13-60.
Note: When the piece measures 10(12)10(12)13 cm, increase 1 st at both ends. Work the increases 2 sts from each edge by knitting the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop. Work the increased sts in garter st. Repeat the increases every 4(3,5)3,5(3)3 cm 8(9)10(11)11 more times = 55(60)64(67)69 sts.
When the piece measures 46(47)48(48)49 cm, bind off 1x2(2)3(3)4 sts at both ends. Decrease 3(3)4(4)4x1 sts at both ends on every other row. Note: On the last WS row, bind off 2 sts at both cables. On the next row, bind off the remaining sts.
Knit the other sleeve to match.
Pin the pieces to measurements, mist on the wrong side and allow to dry.
Sew the shoulder seams.
Attach the sleeves at the armholes following the red markers on the pattern.
Sew the side seams and the sleeve seams.
Collar: Using the smaller needles, pick up and knit sts from the edges of the front pieces and the neckline, three sts for every 4 rows. The stitch count must be divisible by 4. Begin working ribbing on the WS (work the sts on the 1st row through the back loop): p3, k2, *p2, k2*, repeat *-*, p3. When the ribbing measures 7 cm, bind off in pattern.
Belt: Cast on 10 sts and work in k1 p1 ribbing. When the belt measures approx. 150-180 cm, bind off in pattern.