Womans Cable Cardigan Novita Suomivilla or Novita 7 Veljestä
This long sleeved, button fastened cardigan is knitted using Novita Suomivilla (Finnwool) yarn. Cable embellished yoke is knitted crosswise. You can also knit this cardigan using Novita 7 Veljestä (7 Brothers) yarn.
Susanna Mertsalmi
Finished dimensions
Bust: 76[84:92:100] cm Lenght: 48[50:52:54] cm Inner lenght of the sleeve: 46[47:48:49] cm
Yarn demand
Novita Suomivilla (Finnwool) (065 brown) or Novita 7 Veljestä (069) 450[500:550:600] g
Needles and other supplies
80cm long circular needles Novita 4½ mm Other notions: 6 buttons (www.napiton.fi)
Finished dimensions
Bust: 76[84:92:100] cm Lenght: 48[50:52:54] cm Inner lenght of the sleeve: 46[47:48:49] cm
Stitch pattern:
Garter stitsch: knit every row.
Cable pattern: See chart.
Seed stitch: Row 1: *K1,P1, rep from* to end.
Row 2: *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
17 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm measured over seed stitch patt.
Stitch pattern
Garter stitsch: knit every row.
Cable pattern: See chart.
Seed stitch:
Row 1: *K1,P1, rep from* to end.
Row 2: *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
17 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm measured over seed stitch patt.
Yoke is worked sideways from left front edge to right front edge.
Cast on 38sts. Work in garter st 8 rows.
Next row (WS): Purl 1 row and AT THE SAME TIME increase evenly 6sts =44sts.
Next row(RS):Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart I. as folls:
Start with row 13.[13.:1.:1.] of chart I. Cont in patt. After you have completed row 16.[16.:2.:2.], start shortened rows as indicated in chart (= When working row 17.[17.:3.:3.] you have 7sts left on your left hand needle, turn and work row 18.[18.:4.:4.] as indicated in chart).
Work rows 13.[13.:1.:1.] to row 44., then rep rows 13.-44. 3 times and rows 13.-28 once. Then work rows 45.-56., then rep rows 13.-44. 4 times and then work rows 13.[25.:25.:37]. Next row (WS): Purl 1 row and AT THE SAME TIME decrease evenly 6sts =38sts.
Work 2 rows in garter stitch.
Next row (RS): make 3 buttonholes as indicated: K3, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K13, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K13, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K3. Work 5 rows in garter st and then cast off all sts.
(WS):Pick up and knit from yoke`s bottom edge 187[197:205:213] sts, buttonholes are on the right side of the yoke(=right front).
(RS):Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart II. as folls:
Row 1: Work 5sts in garter st, work 6sts patt from chart II., work 165[175:183:191]sts in seed st, work 6sts patt from chart II.,Work 5sts in garter st. Cont in patt and repeat rows 1.-8.
Work 2[2:2:4]rows and divide sts as foll: Right front: 30[32:34:36] sts, sleeve: 36[38:38:39] sts, back: 55[57:61:63] sts, sleeve: 36[38:38:39] sts, left front: 30[32:34:36] sts.
Right Front
Cont in patt as indicated with 30[32:34:36] sts of right front. Make increases for armholes on right side every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 35[38:42:46] sts. Leave sts on holder awaiting for hem.
Left Front
Cont in patt as indicated with 30[32:34:36] sts of left front. Make increases for armholes on left side every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 35[38:42:46] sts. Leave sts on a holder awaiting for hem.
Cont in patt as indicated with 55[57:61:63] sts of back. Make increases for armholes on both sides every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 65[69:77:83] sts. Leave sts on holder awaiting for hem.
Using 80cm long circular needles pick up 35[38:42:46] sts from left front holder, place marker, pick up 65[69:77:83] sts from back holder, place marker, pick up 35[38:42:46] sts from right front holder = 135[145:161:175] sts. Cont in patt as indicated taking care that seed st patt continues intact (if needed decrease 1 st in armhole to keep seed st patt correct). Make buttonholes (= yrn,work 2 tog) on right edge of right front in same intervals as made in yoke.
Work with all sts until piece meas 4[5:5:6] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Dec 1 st on both markers both sides keeping seed st patt correct = 131[141:157:171] sts. Work until piece meas 16[17:17:18] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Inc 1 st on both markers both sides keeping seed st patt correct = 135[145:161:175] sts.
Work until piece meas about 23[24:26:27] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge) and you have finished 4.row from cable patt chart. Dec 1 st on cable sides as foll:
Row 5. of chart II.: work 5 sts in garter st, work 5 sts from row.5.of chart II., sl1,K1,psso, work until you have 12 sts left on your left hand needle: K2tog, work 5 sts from row.5.of chart II., work 5 sts in garter st. Work 1 row.
Next row (RS-7.row of cable chart): Dec 2 st on cable sides as foll: work 5 sts in garter st, work 5 sts from row.7.of chart II., sl1,K2tog,psso, work until you have 13 sts left on your left hand needle: K3tog, work 5 sts from row.7.of chart II., work 5 sts in garter st.
Hem`s edge:
Work short rows as foll:
Left edge (WS): work 5sts in garter st, work 5 sts in patt(=chart II), P2tog (=11sts). Turn.
(RS): Work 6sts in patt, work 5sts in garter st.,rep from* until you have decreased half of hem`s sts and you are in the middle of the back. Leave sts on a holder.
Right edge: Pick up 11sts from right edge onto a needle and work WS first as foll: *Work 6sts in patt, work 5sts in garter st. Turn.
(RS): work 5sts in garter st, work 5 sts in patt(=chart II), sl1,K1,psso, rep from * until you have decreased half of hem`s sts and you are in the middle of the back. Join hem`s edge seams using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.
Pick up from holder 36[38:38:39] sts for sleeve. Work in seed st and make increases on both sides every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 4[4:6:7] sts once = 48[52:56:61] sts. Work in patt until sleeve meas 3cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Dec 1 st on both sides in 3[3:4:4] cm intervals 3 times =42[46:50:55] sts.
Work in patt until sleeve meas 43[44:45:46]cm (measured from armhole bottom edge).
(RS): Make decreases as foll: *K1, K2tog, rep from* until the end of row = 28[31:34:37] sts. Work in garter st 4 rows. Cast off sts loosely. Knit other sleeve alike.
Making up
Flatten the cardigan to the desired dimensions on an even surface, wrong side up. Wet with water spray, and allow to dry. Join sleeve seams and armpit seams using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.
Womans Cable Cardigan Novita Suomivilla or Novita 7 Veljestä
Finished dimensions
Bust: 76[84:92:100] cm Lenght: 48[50:52:54] cm Inner lenght of the sleeve: 46[47:48:49] cm
Yarn demand
Novita Suomivilla (Finnwool) (065 brown) or Novita 7 Veljestä (069) 450[500:550:600] g
Needles and other supplies
80cm long circular needles Novita 4½ mm Other notions: 6 buttons (www.napiton.fi)
Stitch pattern:
Garter stitsch: knit every row.
Cable pattern: See chart.
Seed stitch: Row 1: *K1,P1, rep from* to end.
Row 2: *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
17 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm measured over seed stitch patt.
Stitch pattern
Garter stitsch: knit every row.
Cable pattern: See chart.
Seed stitch:
Row 1: *K1,P1, rep from* to end.
Row 2: *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
17 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm measured over seed stitch patt.
Yoke is worked sideways from left front edge to right front edge.
Cast on 38sts. Work in garter st 8 rows.
Next row (WS): Purl 1 row and AT THE SAME TIME increase evenly 6sts =44sts.
Next row(RS):Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart I. as folls:
Start with row 13.[13.:1.:1.] of chart I. Cont in patt. After you have completed row 16.[16.:2.:2.], start shortened rows as indicated in chart (= When working row 17.[17.:3.:3.] you have 7sts left on your left hand needle, turn and work row 18.[18.:4.:4.] as indicated in chart).
Work rows 13.[13.:1.:1.] to row 44., then rep rows 13.-44. 3 times and rows 13.-28 once. Then work rows 45.-56., then rep rows 13.-44. 4 times and then work rows 13.[25.:25.:37]. Next row (WS): Purl 1 row and AT THE SAME TIME decrease evenly 6sts =38sts.
Work 2 rows in garter stitch.
Next row (RS): make 3 buttonholes as indicated: K3, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K13, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K13, yrn,work 2 tog(to make a buttonhole), K3. Work 5 rows in garter st and then cast off all sts.
(WS):Pick up and knit from yoke`s bottom edge 187[197:205:213] sts, buttonholes are on the right side of the yoke(=right front).
(RS):Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart II. as folls:
Row 1: Work 5sts in garter st, work 6sts patt from chart II., work 165[175:183:191]sts in seed st, work 6sts patt from chart II.,Work 5sts in garter st. Cont in patt and repeat rows 1.-8.
Work 2[2:2:4]rows and divide sts as foll: Right front: 30[32:34:36] sts, sleeve: 36[38:38:39] sts, back: 55[57:61:63] sts, sleeve: 36[38:38:39] sts, left front: 30[32:34:36] sts.
Right Front
Cont in patt as indicated with 30[32:34:36] sts of right front. Make increases for armholes on right side every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 35[38:42:46] sts. Leave sts on holder awaiting for hem.
Left Front
Cont in patt as indicated with 30[32:34:36] sts of left front. Make increases for armholes on left side every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 35[38:42:46] sts. Leave sts on a holder awaiting for hem.
Cont in patt as indicated with 55[57:61:63] sts of back. Make increases for armholes on both sides every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 3[3:5:6] sts once = 65[69:77:83] sts. Leave sts on holder awaiting for hem.
Using 80cm long circular needles pick up 35[38:42:46] sts from left front holder, place marker, pick up 65[69:77:83] sts from back holder, place marker, pick up 35[38:42:46] sts from right front holder = 135[145:161:175] sts. Cont in patt as indicated taking care that seed st patt continues intact (if needed decrease 1 st in armhole to keep seed st patt correct). Make buttonholes (= yrn,work 2 tog) on right edge of right front in same intervals as made in yoke.
Work with all sts until piece meas 4[5:5:6] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Dec 1 st on both markers both sides keeping seed st patt correct = 131[141:157:171] sts. Work until piece meas 16[17:17:18] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Inc 1 st on both markers both sides keeping seed st patt correct = 135[145:161:175] sts.
Work until piece meas about 23[24:26:27] cm (measured from armhole bottom edge) and you have finished 4.row from cable patt chart. Dec 1 st on cable sides as foll:
Row 5. of chart II.: work 5 sts in garter st, work 5 sts from row.5.of chart II., sl1,K1,psso, work until you have 12 sts left on your left hand needle: K2tog, work 5 sts from row.5.of chart II., work 5 sts in garter st. Work 1 row.
Next row (RS-7.row of cable chart): Dec 2 st on cable sides as foll: work 5 sts in garter st, work 5 sts from row.7.of chart II., sl1,K2tog,psso, work until you have 13 sts left on your left hand needle: K3tog, work 5 sts from row.7.of chart II., work 5 sts in garter st.
Hem`s edge:
Work short rows as foll:
Left edge (WS): work 5sts in garter st, work 5 sts in patt(=chart II), P2tog (=11sts). Turn.
(RS): Work 6sts in patt, work 5sts in garter st.,rep from* until you have decreased half of hem`s sts and you are in the middle of the back. Leave sts on a holder.
Right edge: Pick up 11sts from right edge onto a needle and work WS first as foll: *Work 6sts in patt, work 5sts in garter st. Turn.
(RS): work 5sts in garter st, work 5 sts in patt(=chart II), sl1,K1,psso, rep from * until you have decreased half of hem`s sts and you are in the middle of the back. Join hem`s edge seams using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.
Pick up from holder 36[38:38:39] sts for sleeve. Work in seed st and make increases on both sides every other row as foll: inc 1 st 2(3)3(4) times, inc 4[4:6:7] sts once = 48[52:56:61] sts. Work in patt until sleeve meas 3cm (measured from armhole bottom edge). Dec 1 st on both sides in 3[3:4:4] cm intervals 3 times =42[46:50:55] sts.
Work in patt until sleeve meas 43[44:45:46]cm (measured from armhole bottom edge).
(RS): Make decreases as foll: *K1, K2tog, rep from* until the end of row = 28[31:34:37] sts. Work in garter st 4 rows. Cast off sts loosely. Knit other sleeve alike.
Making up
Flatten the cardigan to the desired dimensions on an even surface, wrong side up. Wet with water spray, and allow to dry. Join sleeve seams and armpit seams using back stitch or matress stitch if preferred.