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Novita Venla: Onni cardigan Example 1Novita Venla: Onni cardigan Example 2

Novita Venla: Onni cardigan

The Onni cardigan, knitted from Novita Venla, is a stylish choice for the little ones in the autumn. The Onni socks feature the same cable pattern.


Sari Nordlund

Stitch patterns Garter stitch (flat): knit all rows. Stockinette stitch (flat): knit the right side rows and purl the wrong side rows. Stockinette stitch in the round: knit all rows. Cable pattern: follow the chart and instructions.Gauge 19 sts and 28 rows in stockinette st with larger needles with yarn held double = 10 cm / 4 in Note The cardigan is knitted seamlessly from neckline to hem with yarn held double.

YokeUsing the smaller needles and with yarn held double cast on 54(54)58(58) sts and work garter st flat. After 5 rows, make the first buttonhole on the next row: (RS) k2, k2tog, yarn over, work to end.Place markers on the next row: (WS) k4 (buttonband), k9(9)10(10) (right front), place raglan marker, k6(6)6(6) (sleeve), place raglan marker, k16(16)18(18) (back), place raglan marker, k6(6)6(6) (sleeve), place raglan marker, k9(9)10(10) (left front), k4 (buttonband).Switch to the larger needles and begin raglan increases: Row 1: (RS) k4, work section A on row 1(1)3(3) of the chart [= 8(8)9(9) sts], kfb (knit front and back), slip marker, *kfb, knit to last st before next marker, kfb, slip marker*, repeat *-* 2 more times, kfb, work section B on row 1(1)3(3) of the chart [= 8(8)9(9) sts], k4. 8 sts increased, 62(62)66(66) sts on the needles. Row 2: (WS) k4, work row 2(2)4(4) of section B [= 9(9)10(10)sts], p1, slip marker, *purl to marker, slip marker*, repeat *-* 2 more times, p1, work row 2(2)4(4) ofsection A [= 9(9)10(10)sts], k4.Row 3: (RS) k4, work next row of section A to last st before marker, kfb, slip marker, *kfb, knit to last st before marker, kfb, slip marker*, repeat *-* 2 more times, kfb, work next row of section B, k4. 8 sts increased, 70(70)74(74) sts now on the needles.Row 4: (WS) k4, work section B [= 10(10)11(11) sts], p1, slip marker, *purl to marker, slip marker*, repeat *-* 2 more times, p1, work section A [= 10(10)11(11) sts], k4.70(70)74(74) sts on the needles: 15(15)16(16) sts in both fronts, 10(10)10(10) sts in both sleeves and 20(20)22(22) sts in the back. Repeat the raglan increases on every RS row 10(12)13(15) more times. Note: After row 16 of the chart keep working 4 sts at both ends in garter st, 16 sts following the cable pattern, and the other sts in stockinette st. Work the increased sts in stockinette st. Work rows 17-37 of the chart, then keep repeating rows 16-37. Note: Make 5 more buttonholes as established at 5(5,5)6(6,5) cm intervals.After completing the raglan increases work the WS row. The piece now measures approx. 8(9)10(11) cm from the neckline border. 150(166)178(194) sts now on the needles: 25(27)29(31) sts in both fronts, 30(34)36(40) sts in both sleeves and 40(44)48(52) sts in the back. BodyOn the next RS row work the 25(27)29(31) front sts, remove marker, leave the 30(34)36(40) sleeve sts on hold, remove marker, cast on 5(5)6(6) sts (armhole), work 40(44)48(52) back sts, remove marker, leave 30(34)36(40) sleeve sts on hold, remove marker, cast on 5(5)6(6) sts (armhole), work 25(27)29(31) front sts. 100(108)118(126) sts on the needles.Keep working 4 sts at both ends in garter st, 16 sts following the cable pattern, and the other sts in stockinette st. When the body measures 6(6)7(7) cm from the armhole, place side markers so that there are 27(29)32(34) sts in the front pieces and 46(50)54(58) sts in the back piece. On the next RS row increase 1 st on both sides of the side markers as follows: *work to last st before side marker, increase 1 (= knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), k2, increase 1*, repeat *-* once more, work to end. Repeat the increases after 6(7)7(8) cm = 108(116)126(134) sts.When the body measures approx. 16(18)19(21) cm from the armhole, finish on a RS row. Work garter st for 8 rows with all sts. Loosely bind off. SleevesPlace the 30(34)36(40) sts onto the larger needles and pick up 5(5)7(7) additional sts from the armhole cast-on = 35(39)43(47) sts. Place marker for beginning of round so that the midmost picked-up st is the first st. If you're using double-pointed needles, distribute the sts onto four needles.Work stockinette st in the round.When the sleeve measures 6(6)5(4) cm from the armhole, decrease 1 st on both sides of the marked st. Repeat the decreases every 6(6)5(4) cm 0(1)2(3) more time(s) = 33(35)37(39) sts.When the sleeve measures 15(17)18(20) cm from the armhole, switch to the smaller needles and work 7 more rows in garter st (alternate 1 purl round and 1 knit round). Bind off.Knit the other sleeve in the same manner. FinishingSteam and shape. Sew on the buttons.

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