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  3. Children's cardigan Novita 7 Veljestä and Nalle Pelto
Children's cardigan Novita 7 Veljestä and Nalle Pelto Example 1Children's cardigan Novita 7 Veljestä and Nalle Pelto Example 2

Children's cardigan Novita 7 Veljestä and Nalle Pelto

The cardigan is knitted seamlessly except for the short underarm seams.


Lea Petäjä

Stitch patterns :
- Ribbing:
*k1, p1*, repeat *-*. On the wrong side rows knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts.
- Seed stitch:
*k1, p1*, repeat *-*. On the wrong side rows purl the knit sts and knit the purl sts.
- Stockinette stitch:
Right side rows: knit all sts. Wrong side rows: purl all sts.
- Ribbing in the round:
*k1, p1*, repeat *-*.
- Stockinette stitch in the round:
knit all rows.
- Bobbles:
work following the chart and the written instructions.

18 sts and 26 rows in stockinette st using the 7 Veljestä yarn and the larger needles.

The cardigan is knitted seamlessly except for the short underarm seams.

Front and back hem

The piece is knitted in one piece until the armholes.Using the 7 Veljestä yarn and the smaller needles cast on 129(137)145(151) sts. At both ends work 5 sts in seed st. Work the sts in between in ribbing.

When the piece measures 1,5 cm, work the first buttonhole on the front edge of the right front: on an RS row k2, k2tog or p2tog in pattern, yo, work to end of row. Repeat the buttonhole every 5,5(6)6,5(7) cm 5 more times. The 7th and last buttonhole will be on the neckline edge.

When the piece measures 3 cm, switch to the larger needles. Keep working the edges in seed st. Work the middle sts in stockinette st.

When the piece measures 24(26)28(30) cm, distribute the sts into three groups: work the 31(33)34(35) sts on the right front, bind off the next 6(6)8(8) sts for the armhole, work the 55(59)61(65) sts on the back, bind off the next 6(6)8(8) sts for the other armhole, work the 31(33)34(35) sts on the left front. Do not break the yarn. Leave the sts on hold for the yoke.


The sleeves are knitted in the round. Using the smaller double-pointed needles, cast on 30(32)32(34) sts and distribute them onto four needles. Work ribbing in the round for 4 cm.

Switch to the larger double-pointed needles and work stockinette st in round. On the first round, increase 1 st = 31(33)33(35) sts.

When the piece measures 5(5)6(6) cm, increase 1 st on both sides of the beginning of round: k1, make 1 (=knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop), and when 1 st remains, m1, k1. Repeat the increases every 4(4)3(3) cm 5(6)7(8) more times = 43(47)49(53) sts.

When the piece measures 28(31)33(35) cm, work the next round until 2(2)3(3) sts remain. Bind off the 2(2)3(3) sts and another 2(2)3(3) sts from the beginning of the next round. Break the yarn and leave the other 39(43)43(47) sts on hold for the yoke.

Work the other sleeve to match.


Move the sts on hold onto the larger circular needle: 31(33)34(35) sts on the right front, 39(43)43(47) sleeve sts, 55(59)61(65) sts on the back, 39(43)43(47) sts on the other sleeve, and 31(33)34(35) sts on the left front = 195(211)215(229) sts. Mark the edges of the sections with a different-coloured yarn.

On the next WS round work both ends in seed st and purl the other sts. On the back piece evenly decrease 0(0)2(2) sts. 195(211)213(227) sts on the needle, 55(59)59(63) sts on the back piece.

Begin working the bobbles and raglan decreases from row 1 of the chart: on the RS round work 5 sts on the right front in seed st, k2(0)1(2), work 1 st from the right edge of the chart, work the 4 st pattern repeat 5(6)6(6) times, k1, skp (=sl 1, k1, psso).Note: Between the bobbles, carry the Nalle yarn on the WS and at the end of row break the yarn.

Sleeve: k2tog, k1, work 1 st from right end of chart, work 4 st pattern repeat 8(9)9(10) times, k1, skp.

Back: k2tog, k1, work 1 st from right end of chart, work the 4 st pattern repeat 12(13)13(14) times, k1, skp.

Second sleeve: k2tog, k1, work 1 st from right end of chart, work 4 st pattern repeat 8(9)9(10) times, k1, skp.

Left front: k2tog, k1, work 1 st from right end of chart, work the 4 st pattern repeat 5(6)6(6) times, k2(0)1(2), work 5 sts in seed st.

8 sts decreased, 187(203)205(219) sts on the needles.

Work rows 2-8 of the chart and then keep repeating rows 1-8. Repeat the raglan decreases on the edges of the sections on every 2nd round 15(16)17(18) more times.

Note: When you have worked the raglan decreases 13(14)15(16) times in total and there are 91(99)93(99) sts on the needles, leave 11(11)12(12) sts at both ends on hold for the neckline. At both ends bind off 1x2 sts and 1x1 st on every 2nd round.

When you have finished the raglan decreases, switch to the smaller circular needle. Pick up the sts on hold at the front edge and pick up and knit additional sts from the bind-off edge. Work the 5 sts on the front edges in seed st and the other sts in ribbing.

When you worked 0,5 cm in ribbing, work the last buttonhole on the right front edge. When the ribbing measures 2 cm, bind off in pattern.


Steam the cardigan lightly.

Sew the seams under the armholes. Attach the buttons.

Knitted ruffle: Using the larger circular needle, cast on 171(183)186(198) sts. Purl all sts on the WS round.

1st increase round: (RS) *k3, m1 (=knit the strand of yarn between the sts through the back loop)*, repeat *-* 55(59)60(64) more times, k3. 56(60)61(65) sts increased, 227(243)247(263) sts on the needle. Purl the WS round.

2nd increase round: *k4, m1*, repeat *-* 55(59)60(64)more times, k3 = 283(303)308(328)sts. Purl the WS round.

3rd increase round: *k5, m1*, repeat *-* 55(59)60(64) more times, k3 = 339(363)369(393)sts. Purl the WS round.

4th increase round: *k6, m1*, repeat *-* 55(59)60(64) more times, k3 = 395(423)430(458) sts. Purl the WS round.

Bind off on the RS round using knit sts.

Sew the ruffle under the bobble section (not on the button band).

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