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Brioche cable mittens Novita Natura Example 1

Brioche cable mittens Novita Natura

Two-colour brioche is perfect for ample accessories. The knitwork looks the same on both sides of the work, but the colours are reversed on the wrong side. Knitted from Novita Natura.


Minna Metsänen

Stitch patterns
- Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1*, repeat *¬-*. Two-colour brioche in the round:
- Round 1 (Off White): *k1, slip 1 yarn over (sl1yo)*, repeat *-* to end of round.
- Row 2 (Clay): *sl1yo

Left mitten

With the Off White yarn held double, cast on 28 sts and distribute them onto four double-pointed needles, 7 sts each. The beginning of the round is between needles I and IV at the mitten's outer edge. Work 1 round of ribbing. Then break one of the strands of yarn.

Begin two-colour brioche in the round on Off White row 1 of the chart: (keep repeating A-B on needles I and II and B-C on needles III and IV)

Row 1 (Off White): *k1, slip 1 yarn over (sl1yo)*, repeat *-* to end of round.

Row 1 (Clay): *sl1yo, brioche purl (brp = purl together the yo and the next st)*, repeat *-* to end of round.

Row 2 (Off White): *brioche knit (brk = knit together the yo and the next st), sl1yo*, repeat *-* to end of round.

Row 2 (Clay): *sl1yo, brp*, repeat *-* to end of round.

Continue in this manner, working each row with both Off White and Clay.

Begin the cable turns on the Clay row 5. Knit the sts on needles I and II. On needles III and IV work as follows: work 3 sts, slip 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in back (the slipped st and yo count as 1 st), work 4 sts from left needle, work the 4 sts from cable needle, work 3 sts.

Now work Off White row 6. Work from Clay row 6 to Off White row 12, then repeat the rows bracketed on the chart 5 more times. 6 cable turns in total.

Note: When the cuff measures 7 cm, begin increases for the thumb gusset on the next Off White round. Work until 2 sts remain on needle II. Work into the Off White st: k1, yo, k1, yo, k1. 4 sts increased on the gusset = 5 sts. Work 5 rounds even, alternating rounds of Clay and Off White. Repeat the increase at the same spot. 9 sts on the gusset. Continue until the gusset measures 6 cm (= 12 Off White rounds). Work to beginning of gusset. Leave the 9 gusset sts on hold on scrap yarn.

Cast on 1 st at the gusset and work until the mitten covers your forefinger.

Top decreases:

Needle I: Slip the knit st + yo knitwise, k2tog, pass the slipped st over, work to end of needle.

Needle II: Work until 4 sts remain, slip the knit st + yo knitwise, k1, pass the slipped st over. Move the st to the left-hand needle, pass the 2nd st over and work the last st.

Needle III: Work same way as on needle I.

Needle IV: Work same way as on needle II.

Work 3 rounds even, alternating rounds of Clay and Off White.

Repeat the decreases as established. 12 sts on the needles, 3 sts each. Work 1 round with Off White: knit together the knit sts and yos and purl the purl sts.

Break the yarn. Use a tapestry needle to thread it through the remaining sts. Pull tightly to close the hole and weave in.

Right mitten

Work B-C on needles I and II. Keep repeating A-B on needles III and IV. Work the thumb gusset at the first Off White st on needle III.


Pick up the 9 sts on hold as well as 3 sts from the base of the thumb. Distribute these 12 sts onto three needles and work two-colour brioche in the round.

When the mitten covers half your thumbnail, finish on a Clay round and begin decreases. Work 1 round with Off White: knit together the knit sts and yos and purl the purl sts. Now k2tog through the back loop to end of round = 6 sts.

Break the yarn. Use a tapestry needle to thread it through the remaining sts. Pull tightly to close the hole and weave in.


Lightly steam the mittens.

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