Adult Fingerless Gloves Novita 7 Veljestä Viidakko (7 Brothers Jungle)
Adult fingerless gloves with knit and purl stitch pattern. Gloves are knitted using Novita 7 Veljestä Viidakko yarn and they have open fingers.
Minna Metsänen
Finished dimensions
Yarn demand
Novita 7 Veljestä Viidakko (883) camouflage less than 100(100)100 g or Novita Suomivilla 100(100)100 g
Needles and other supplies
Set of 5 double-pointed 3,5 mm needles
Finished dimensions
Stitch pattern:
Rib in round: Rnd 1:*K2, P2, rep from* to end of rnd. Rep rnd 1.
Pattern st in round: See chart.
21 sts to 10 cm measured over pattern st
Right hand glove
Using double-pointed needles cast on 36(40)44 sts loosely. Distribute sts evenly over 4 of the 5 needles ( 9(10)11 sts on each needle) and, taking care not to twist cast-on edge and using 5th needle, work in rounds as follows:
Round 1 (RS): Work in rib: *K2 (P2) K2, P2 (K2) P2, rep from *. Work in rib until piece meas 7(8)9 cm. Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart I. as folls: Row 1: Start from an arrow marked for your size, then rep 4 st patt to the end of the rnd. Rep rows 1.- 2. When you have worked in patt 2(4)6 rows, start thumb gusset.
Thumb gusset
Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from Thumb Gusset chart as folls: Work 20(22)24 sts in patt, work 4 sts as indicated in chart, work in patt to the end of the row. Work rows 1.-14.(1.-14.)1.-17. Next row: Work 20 (22) 24 sts in patt, put 12 (12) 14sts of the thumb gusset to a holder, cast on 2 sts, cont in round as indicated. Work in patt (=chart I.) until the glove reaches little finger.
Little finger
Work 4(4)5 sts (=back;first needle) , cast on 3(4)4 sts, work 4 sts from the end of the 4th needle(=palm) (= 11(12)13 sts). Leave other sts on a holder. Distribute sts over 3 needles. Work in patt 2,5(3)3 cm. Adjust the patt if needed so that the stripes continue. Cast off purlwise.
Work with all sts (except the thumb gusset) and pick up 3(4)4 sts from little finger's edge. Work 3 rnds in patt.
Ring finger
Work 4(4)5 sts from back, cast on 3(4)4sts, work 4(4)5 sts from palm and pick up 3(4)4 sts from little finger's edge (= 14(16)18sts). Work as the little finger and cast off sts purlwise.
Middle finger
Work 5(5)5 sts from back, cast on 3(4)4sts, work 4(5)6 sts from palm and pick up 3(4)4 sts from ring finger's edge (= 15(18)19 sts). Work as before and cast off sts purlwise.
Index finger
Pick up the rest ( 11(14)14 sts) from a holder and pick up 3(3)4 sts from middle finger's edge (= 14(17)18 sts). Work as before and cast off sts purlwise.
Distribute 12(12)14sts of the thumb gusset over 2 needles and pick up 4sts from hand edge(=back of the thumb) (=16(16)18 sts). Work 1 rnd as foll: work over 2sts in the middle of the thumb stocking st in round(=st st stripe) and work over the rest of the sts garter st in round. Next rnd: Dec 2 sts (=K2tog twice) in the back of the thumb (= 14(14)16 sts). Work in patt 3cm. Cast off sts.
Left hand glove
Work as right hand glove reversing all shapings. Start the rib as foll: *P2(K2)P2, K2(P2)K2, rep from*.
Work patt from chart II. from an arrow marked for your size.
Making up
Steam the gloves lightly.
Adult Fingerless Gloves Novita 7 Veljestä Viidakko (7 Brothers Jungle)
Finished dimensions
Yarn demand
Novita 7 Veljestä Viidakko (883) camouflage less than 100(100)100 g or Novita Suomivilla 100(100)100 g
Needles and other supplies
Set of 5 double-pointed 3,5 mm needles
Stitch pattern:
Rib in round: Rnd 1:*K2, P2, rep from* to end of rnd. Rep rnd 1.
Pattern st in round: See chart.
21 sts to 10 cm measured over pattern st
Right hand glove
Using double-pointed needles cast on 36(40)44 sts loosely. Distribute sts evenly over 4 of the 5 needles ( 9(10)11 sts on each needle) and, taking care not to twist cast-on edge and using 5th needle, work in rounds as follows:
Round 1 (RS): Work in rib: *K2 (P2) K2, P2 (K2) P2, rep from *. Work in rib until piece meas 7(8)9 cm. Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart I. as folls: Row 1: Start from an arrow marked for your size, then rep 4 st patt to the end of the rnd. Rep rows 1.- 2. When you have worked in patt 2(4)6 rows, start thumb gusset.
Thumb gusset
Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from Thumb Gusset chart as folls: Work 20(22)24 sts in patt, work 4 sts as indicated in chart, work in patt to the end of the row. Work rows 1.-14.(1.-14.)1.-17. Next row: Work 20 (22) 24 sts in patt, put 12 (12) 14sts of the thumb gusset to a holder, cast on 2 sts, cont in round as indicated. Work in patt (=chart I.) until the glove reaches little finger.
Little finger
Work 4(4)5 sts (=back;first needle) , cast on 3(4)4 sts, work 4 sts from the end of the 4th needle(=palm) (= 11(12)13 sts). Leave other sts on a holder. Distribute sts over 3 needles. Work in patt 2,5(3)3 cm. Adjust the patt if needed so that the stripes continue. Cast off purlwise.
Work with all sts (except the thumb gusset) and pick up 3(4)4 sts from little finger's edge. Work 3 rnds in patt.
Ring finger
Work 4(4)5 sts from back, cast on 3(4)4sts, work 4(4)5 sts from palm and pick up 3(4)4 sts from little finger's edge (= 14(16)18sts). Work as the little finger and cast off sts purlwise.
Middle finger
Work 5(5)5 sts from back, cast on 3(4)4sts, work 4(5)6 sts from palm and pick up 3(4)4 sts from ring finger's edge (= 15(18)19 sts). Work as before and cast off sts purlwise.
Index finger
Pick up the rest ( 11(14)14 sts) from a holder and pick up 3(3)4 sts from middle finger's edge (= 14(17)18 sts). Work as before and cast off sts purlwise.
Distribute 12(12)14sts of the thumb gusset over 2 needles and pick up 4sts from hand edge(=back of the thumb) (=16(16)18 sts). Work 1 rnd as foll: work over 2sts in the middle of the thumb stocking st in round(=st st stripe) and work over the rest of the sts garter st in round. Next rnd: Dec 2 sts (=K2tog twice) in the back of the thumb (= 14(14)16 sts). Work in patt 3cm. Cast off sts.
Left hand glove
Work as right hand glove reversing all shapings. Start the rib as foll: *P2(K2)P2, K2(P2)K2, rep from*.
Work patt from chart II. from an arrow marked for your size.
Making up
Steam the gloves lightly.