I Novitas teknikskola hittar du tips och instruktioner för stickning, virkning och andra tekniker, från grunderna till mer avancerade tekniker. Innehållet finns delvis på svenska, delvis på engelska.

Masktätheten och provlapp
Sticka en provlapp för att vara säker på att masktätheten är den samma som i beskrivningen och att plagget får rätt storlek.

Long Tail Cast-on
In this episode we learn how to cast on stitches with a long tail cast on -method, which is one of the most common ways to start knitting.

Knitted Cast-on
In this episode we learn how to do the knitted cast on. This cast on method works well in various kinds of garments from sweaters to beanies and wool socks.

I-cord Cast-on
In this episode we learn to cast on stitches with the i-cord method, which creates a neat, tubular edge.

Turkish Cast-on
In this episode we learn how to do a Turkish cast-on, which is suitable, for example, in starting wool socks from the toes up. The Turkish cast on is best achieved by looping with a long circular needle.

Italian Cast-on
In this video, we learn the Italian cast-on method, which creates a beautiful, flexible edge to K1P1 rib.

Cast-on in Between Two Panels
In this video we learn how join two knitted panels by casting on new stitches in between them. The technique is useful, for example, when knitting the neckline or armpits of a sweater.

Continental style
In this episode we learn how to do knit stitches with a continental style of knitting. Continental style is also commonly referred to as European knitting or left-hand knitting.

Purl Stitch
In this video we learn how to do purl stitches in continental style of knitting, where the working yarn is held in the left hand.

Stockinette Stitch
In this video we learn how to knit stockinette stitch with a continental style of knitting. It's one of the most used stitch patterns.

Brioche Stitch
In this episode we learn how to knit brioche stitch. The thick but very flexible fabric is achieved by alternating slipped stitches with yarnovers and knit stitches.

Half Brioche Stitch
In this episode we learn how to knit half brioche stitch. Unlike regular brioche stitch, half brioche is created by alternating two rows and looks different on both sides.

Double Stockinette
In this video we learn how to knit double stockinette, which is very useful technique in for example button bands and thick scarves.