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I Novitas teknikskola hittar du tips och instruktioner för stickning, virkning och andra tekniker, från grunderna till mer avancerade tekniker. Innehållet finns delvis på svenska, delvis på engelska.


Chain stitch

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to crochet chain stitches. The chain stitch is a fundamental technique that serves as the foundation for many crochet projects. Mastering the art of creating a smooth and flexible starting chain is the first step in almost all crochet patterns.

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Single crochet stitch (US) / Double crochet (UK)

In this lesson, we'll delve into crocheting single crochet stitches. Single crochet is a basic crochet stitch and an essential skill in crafting, encountered in nearly every crochet pattern. Single crochets create a tight and even fabric.

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Half double crochet (US) / Half treble crochet (UK)

In this tutorial, we'll explore the half double crochet stitch, a versatile crochet technique. Half double crochet creates elastic and soft surfaces. It's taller than a single crochet but shorter than a double crochet stitch.

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Double crochet stitch (US) / Treble (UK)

This video will teach you how to crochet double crochet stitches. Double crochet is a fundamental crochet technique used to create taller and airier rows than single or half double crochet stitches. Additionally, we'll cover creating a starting double crochet, ensuring clean and straight edges.

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Triple crochet stitch (US) / Double treble (UK)

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to crochet triple crochet stitches. Triple crochet, also known as double treble in UK terms, is an advanced crochet technique used to create airy and very tall rows. This technique is useful for trendy items like mesh bags and other accessories.

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Decreasing stitches in crocheting

In this segment, you'll master decreasing stitches in crocheting. Decreasing stitches in the middle of your work is an essential skill required in almost all crochet projects. This video will guide you in creating neat and even decreases using both single crochet and double crochet stitches.

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Increasing stitches in crocheting

This tutorial will demonstrate how to increase stitches in crocheting. Increasing stitches is a crucial crochet technique needed in many crochet patterns, from home décor items to hats.

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Crocheting a circle

In this video, you'll learn the basics of crocheting a circle, including the magic ring technique to start without leaving a hole.

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Crocheting a granny square

This tutorial covers the basics of crocheting a granny square. The granny square is a versatile crochet technique used to easily create garments, accessories, and home décor items.

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Slip stitch seam

The slip stitch seam is a neat and inconspicuous way to join crochet pieces seamlessly. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to crochet a slip stitch seam step by step.

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Crocheting cords

Crocheting cords is a useful skill needed for items like clothing straps and belts.

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Crocheting a shell border

Crocheting a shell border is a beautiful and decorative way to finish crochet projects. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to crochet a shell border using clusters of five double crochet stitches and slip stitches. Shell borders provide a lovely finishing touch to items such as scarves, blankets, and garments.

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Krokning eller tunisisk virkning

Då man krokar arbetar man fram och tillbaka, men man vänder inte arbetet utan har hela tiden samma sida mot sig själv.

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Virkad nätkasse

En virkad kasse är ett enkelt handarbetsprojekt för sommaren, och passar även dig som nyligen börjat med virkning.

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Virkning från hörn till hörn eller C2C

C2C betyder att man virkar från hörn till hörn börjande från den yttre kanten. Det är en teknik som man lätt blir fångad av, virkningen är mycket lättare än vad man först kunde tro och man kommer snabbt framåt.

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Virkad ruta

Virkade rutor är väldigt användbara. Du kan använda dem som enskilda dekorationer eller för att montera ihop dem till en mängd olika plagg, plädar och accessoarer.

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